An AFC East roster analysis for the ages | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

An AFC East roster analysis for the ages


Club Member
Aug 10, 2008
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Pattaya, Thailand
[URL=""]Miami Dolphins
  • Team age: 26.8 (tied 7th)
  • Offense age: 26.1 (tied 1st)
  • Defense age: 27.7 (23rd)
Buffalo Bills

  • Team age: 27.5 (tied 23rd)
  • Offense age: 27.5 (22nd)
  • Defense age: 27.5 (tied 18th)
New England Patriots

  • Team age: 28.7 (32nd)
  • Offense age: 29.7 (32nd)
  • Defense age: 27.5 (tied 18th)
New York Jets

  • Team age: 27.6 (25th)
  • Offense age: 27.7 (24th)
  • Defense age: 27.6 (tied 22nd)
What stands out is that the AFC East was pretty old. Of the dozen categories listed above, only two rated in the youngest third of the league. The Dolphins' offense tied with the Philadelphia Eagles for the greenest, a good sign for the future.

The Patriots had the oldest team by nearly half a year and the oldest offense by nearly a full year. :D
Age brings experience. Sometimes the old and crafty veterans can beat the young bucks. I hadn't realized the Patriots were THAT old though....
Three years between the Fins and Pats is quite a margin. Really tells you that our whole team is still developing.
Well they said they wanted to young. Seems they are doing what they want.
It is sad when I see something like that and I realize at 28 I would be old if I played in the NFL.
In the eyes of Brett Favre, you would still be able to play for over a decade.
Even with brett the packers where the youngest team in NFL for 2 yrs with brett and the now in the top 2/3

so what has 4 yrs of being one of the youngest team got them i wonder.
Even with brett the packers where the youngest team in NFL for 2 yrs with brett and the now in the top 2/3

so what has 4 yrs of being one of the youngest team got them i wonder.

So the age of a team directly correlates with play on the field? I hight doubt that.
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