An excellent write up...makes a lot of sense. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

An excellent write up...makes a lot of sense.


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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As always, when I see something on another site, or articles that we don't generally look at I try to shall it..I sometimes agree with this guy and sometimes not..but that more personal than substance..he usually write quality pieces..and I think this is one..check it out and give your opinion.

Chicken soup from chicken feathers
As always, when I see something on another site, or articles that we don't generally look at I try to shall it..I sometimes agree with this guy and sometimes not..but that more personal than substance..he usually write quality pieces..and I think this is one..check it out and give your opinion.

Chicken soup from chicken feathers

Yeah it was posted a few days ago. I thought it was a great read.
First that i heard of this:

Linehan’s decision to adapt the existing playbook to his offensive philosophy was a wise move as it is easier for him to learn the current Dolphin terminology versus making major changes that could be confusing to the players.

dont know if this makes sense or not considering that the terminolgy we used was backwards from alot of the other teams (so ive heard)

i guess it will be quicker for guys to learn the system
MadLib said:
Yeah it was posted a few days ago. I thought it was a great read.

Sorry about that, I must have missed it, I was out of town a couple of days, read it this morninig, didn't see it on the board...
I thought the article mostly stated the obvious.

I don't really agree with his total assessment of the QB's, Frerotte is still young enough that if he is the better player he should be playing. If AJ can't beat him out I think that speaks volumes about AJ.
Thanks MD, good article. Does anybody know who's projected as starting Center? Hadnot or Smith.
PHINATIC13 said:
Thanks MD, good article. Does anybody know who's projected as starting Center? Hadnot or Smith.

FinsFanatic said:
First that i heard of this:

Linehan’s decision to adapt the existing playbook to his offensive philosophy was a wise move as it is easier for him to learn the current Dolphin terminology versus making major changes that could be confusing to the players.

dont know if this makes sense or not considering that the terminolgy we used was backwards from alot of the other teams (so ive heard)

i guess it will be quicker for guys to learn the system

Another way to look at this little tidbit is all of those who are saying AJ is behind Gus in the minicamps only b/c of Gus understanding the playbook have it 100% backwards. It should be AJ who understands the terminology and has a leg up not Gus. I guess we will see when the pads come on. I agree with the part of the article that says they should find out early if AJ can start in this league and then act on it. If they do indeed carry that out, we should have a new QB in here by next season, rather than trying to force him to be the starter when he doesn't have the mental ability.
meh it was an OK read...didnt say anything we already didnt know
its a good read... it expresses a lot of my sentiments...

- st clair not being the answer
- hoping that carey can do the job at lt
- cc needs to backup his ability with numbers
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