An interesting fact... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

An interesting fact...


Mar 15, 2002
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
Last season, so many players had breakout games against the Dolphins. Matt Haselbeck with Seattle, Terrel Davis with Denver, Travis Henry and Alex Van Pelt against Buffalo the first time, and a bunch of others. Why is that? It was pretty frustrating considering they would play lousy against other teams.
Henry broke out against the Jets and had a good game against the Dolphins, but those were his only good games. He is the worst starting RB in the NFL.
Originally posted by iceblizzard69
He is the worst starting RB in the NFL.

I had the pleasure of watching Travis Henry in high school (he set the national single season rushing record with over 4000 yards his senior year). And I can tell you that this kid has lots of talent. He's gonna be a very good player in this league. Especially if he gets a decent offensive line.
Yeah, and did you see Tim Biakabatuka in college. Or did you see Danny Wuerrful in college? And now look at them.
Yeah, and did you see Tim Biakabatuka in college. Or did you see Danny Wuerrful in college? And now look at them.

Hey Danny Awful is going to have a phenominal year in Washington under Spurrier. lips are still burning from that crack pipe...
Originally posted by phins054
Yeah, and did you see Tim Biakabatuka in college. Or did you see Danny Wuerrful in college? And now look at them.

Hey Danny Awful is going to have a phenominal year in Washington under Spurrier. lips are still burning from that crack pipe...

I just posted the same thing. :)
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