An offseason trivia question | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

An offseason trivia question


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Which of the folowing does the dolphin consider a favorite meal?
A) Fish B) Krill C) Squid
:goof:`s just that I`ve been observing them in the wild for the past 31 yrs. I don`t doubt that they love squid. They also go crazy for king mackeral among other fish. There are times we can`t even get a mackeral to the boat without "flipper" grabbing it. Even when they`re full they keep stealing them to show their baby`s how to do it. There atre times the bottlenose dolphin screws up our livelyhood big time.

here`s the deal:

Miami Dolphins :band: :D

:monkey: bottlenose dolphins
Originally posted by Capt. Dick`s just that I`ve been observing them in the wild for the past 31 yrs. I don`t doubt that they love squid. They also go crazy for king mackeral among other fish. There are times we can`t even get a mackeral to the boat without "flipper" grabbing it. Even when they`re full they keep stealing them to show their baby`s how to do it. There atre times the bottlenose dolphin screws up our livelyhood big time.

here`s the deal:

Miami Dolphins :band: :D

:monkey: bottlenose dolphins

Miami Dolphins :band: :D

bottlenose dolphins :band: :cooldude:

:monkey: commercial fishing (I do not eat seafood so I'd prefer it was left for our free swimming friends - no offense meant)
the sea has provided fisherman the opportunity to feed and raise their families for centuries. I`m not going to get into a piss`n contest ...............I could...........we`ll let it be..............have a nice evening.
have you ever caught a squid on a pole? they're a riot. be careful when you take them off the hook though, you'll get that black crap all over you. we fished for squid early in the morning, and use em for bait to catch yellow tail!
Originally posted by dolfan06
have you ever caught a squid on a pole? they're a riot. be careful when you take them off the hook though, you'll get that black crap all over you. we fished for squid early in the morning, and use em for bait to catch yellow tail!
squid are one of my favorite fish to see diving, they are incredible animals when they are alive. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by dolphan39
squid are one of my favorite fish to see diving, they are incredible animals when they are alive. :rolleyes:

I certainly don`t feel the need to defend being a fisherman. I do mostly deepwater stuff. I take tourists out to fish for marlin, sailfish etc. Been doing it most of my adult life. The Gov. places Many restrictions on us as to the size and quanity of "marketable" fish we`re allowed to keep. Most restrictions are justified. Some are the result of bureaucratic bull**** by people who have probably never seen the ocean.

That a group we take our "eco responsibilities" even further. Most of us release ALL fish That we can`t take to market. We release small marketable fish that the gov. SAYS we can keep.`s not like we`re raping the kingfish per person per day.

We should ALL take responsibility to care for the land and water we`ve been blessed to inhabit and use, leaving our children and grandchildren the envirement that WE enjoyed.

I`m starting to ramble.

06.............just a little disagreement between 39 and myself. :)
Originally posted by Capt. Dick
just a little disagreement between 39 and myself. :)
actually, I was not evening questioning your business if you are someone who fishes for game fish with a fishing pole. I was talking more about the large net type of fishing.

see, I guess we're :cool: :D
Originally posted by dolphan39
actually, I was not evening questioning your business if you are someone who fishes for game fish with a fishing pole. I was talking more about the large net type of fishing.

see, I guess we're :cool: :D

The netters kill (drop to the bottom) almost as many fish as they harvest! Lots of fish get their gills ripped without getting entangled!

I`m totally AGAINST netting!

As far as you and me.............:cool: :D
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