Another great skip bayless prediction | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Another great skip bayless prediction


Seasoned Veteran
May 7, 2004
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I wanted USC to win, but boy was it fun to see skip bayless eat his words once again. He said Texas would be blown out. He said ohio state who texas beat would be better choice to play usc than texas, cause you know that made sense. So now that Texas won where is he at now. No column saying Im an idiot. So yeah texas should not be the number 2 team or number 1 team, what do you have to say now you overinflated popus jack***.

Ah feels good to insult skip, never tire of it.
so did u email him your rant or what? if not whats the point?
yeah i sent him an email asking how he keeps he continues to say dumb things that are so stupid yet manages to keep his job. And used his latest article as an example.
I hate skip bayless also....

Funny story with me. I dont know if you guys remember, but when PTI was on during the Olympics, it was Skip Bayless and Tony Kornheiser doing the show because Wilbon was in Athens. Wilbon and Kornheiser write articles for the Washington Post here in DC. On the Post website, they sometimes do a Q&A with people for a half hour around lunchtime....... I asked Tony a question about Skip and he actually answered it live over the chat.

Philter's Question: "Tony, when is Wilbon coming back from the Olympics..... I can't stand another day of Skip Bayless."

Tony: (laughing) "I'll let Wilbon know you missed him, he will be back next week."

The End.

I saved and printed out the screen shot on my home computer and its hanging on my bulletin board. :lol:
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