Alright, i know maybe you read these 400 times a day. But i'm new here to finheaven. My name is James Donaldson and i found Finheaven when i was browsing on the internet for Dolphins fan forums so i could get a more in depth look at training camp, and the most popular one i found, the most well known, world renowned if you will was this one. There is a bunch of people here, and from the looks of it you all know your football. So i'm happy to be here talking sports amongst you guys. I'm a huge Phins fan in Philadelphia, i'm only 14 years old though but i know quite a lot about the team and it's history. I loved Dan Marino growing up that's why i love the Dolphins. I also follow Baseball, Basketball and Hockey in which i like the Flyers (as you can tell). I hope i can get to know you folks and really learn some new things here, and it's great to be a part of something like Finheaven. Anyway, thanks for having me here....
~~James Donaldson
~~James Donaldson