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Another solid day in Free Agency for Miami

Macintosh deal is done according the Post, are they wrong?
Joe Rose said this morning that all terms are agreed to, just that MacIntosh is in the hospital at Houston and they haven't been able to get him to sign it. Don't they have fax machines?!?!?

I'll throw this in there though, it may be that he's on medication that impairs his mental acuity and any agreement executed under those circumstances could provide a basis for Mac to argue that his deal should be voided should he decide 3 years down the road he wants more money. I have no idea if that's what the delay is or not, but its a plausible reson for not just utilizing a faxed signature.
I respect your posts very much Boomer and I think we have had few arguments over the time.

However, you are dead wrong that St. Clair played well for the Rams two years ago. I live an hour away from St. Louis and thus all my friends are Rams fans. We watch the Rams on big screen while my Phins are on teh tiny screen with no sound (sucky) and they were all ready to jump off of a bridge due to John St. Clair and his crappy play.

He allowed his DE to go right by him time after time. He has no athleticism and can't redirect. It got so bad that they were going with a crappy career backup they traded for from NE to play instead of him. That player got injured and it was back St. Clair again, he was the sole reason for the Rams offense not being able to do the things they normally did that year. They had to help and cover him up at all times or he would just get used.

John St. Clair was the subject of media coverage to no end around here due to his absolutely terrible play.

He is a good signing if he is depth and nothing else, but whew if he starts our line is worse than last year. I have SEEN this with my own eyes.
John St Claire tends to be remembered worst than he really is because his breakdowns happened at key moments and resulted in turnovers and other bad things. But truth be told I've sat there and watched Todd Wade get ripped a new one regularly only to have his butt be saved by a scrambling Fiedler (the Jukin' Jew). I liken it a lot to James McKnight a few years ago when he had some high profile drops and everyone was like "HE'S THE WORST RECEIVER IN THE LEAGUE!!!!!" and stuff just because his drops came at key moments and ended sometimes as turnovers (like against the Jets, Victor Green takes it back for a TD, playoffs against the Ravens, interception in the redzone). Truth is his play has been solid ever since then, not great but solid.
McKnight maybe, but St. Clair only saw the field in injuries ever since those games he was brutal.

Like I said I watched alot of the games and especially when my friends would be groaning about St. Clair. He was pretty darned bad what I saw of him.

On a positive note, I did some nice run blocks thrown for him and he seemed to be strong.
Only time will tell how good or bad the moves were.You can't hit on every single guy. Not in free agency and not in the draft. We just have to hope for the best. In the end, the coaching staff will have to do a better job than they did last year in order for this team to get better regarless of what players we bring in imo.

Ozzy rules!!
I'm beginnning to feel a little better . I'm still not happy with the QB situation but either one of them could surprise me I suppose. I agree, Good day !

Now lets get THE ohio state A-hole signed !
Phin Missed - how are ya buddy. I'm sure it was just a clash of opinions in the it is now. I do indeed remember the criticism that St Clair got - but at the time, they were moving an All American centre to RT and to LT and he simply hadn't played there. I saw a lot of the Rams that year and I saw a guy that was strong at the point, had excellent pop, got to the 2nd level well, used his hands extremely well and did a good job in what I call the phone box area - the tight areas where he isn't exposed. Where he struggled was out wide, with the speedy edge rushers. But with the Rams 1 back set, they were very rarely leaving either Marshall or Lamar Gordon into chip away. They were either running or going out on patterns, especially with all Mike Martz's shifting. That won't happen with us, as we rarely have an empty backfield and we use 2 TE sets much more than the Rams do, so concerns will be alleviated by moving Randy down or Donald Lee, already one of the better blocking TE's in football.

Sometimes the hyperbole bandwagon about a player gets out of control. Yes, St Clair had some breakdowns, but he was also being put on an island from OC to wide out at T for the first time and asked to sink or swim. Dude was treading water at times, but I for one didn't see a player nearly as bad as the media were making out. Especially as he was blocking for a completely immobile passer in Kurt Warner.

Just my 2 bucks.
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