Any Finfans In Seattle?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Any Finfans In Seattle??


Madden MVP
Sep 7, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hey follow finfans...wondering if any of you live in the seattle...ill be at the sport resturuant and bar to watch the game this week...hoping to meet some finheaven faithful there!!! holla back folks!! :D
Ohio Fanatic said:
I was a finfan in Seattle, now Im stuck in Ohio :(

Dude, who'd you piss off? :evil: (j/k)

Snap, I would love to join you and other FinHeaven Seattle-ites someplace to watch some Phins action, but I'm currently recovering from knee surgery and I'm not very mobile.

Maybe by the end of the season...I hope. Keep bringing it up, I like the idea.

I tried to get some folks from here together for a game last year without much success, even though there are a few northwesterners on FH, including a few from Oregon. I hope you have better luck.
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
where do you watch the game? Just out of curiousity.

well i have the sunday ticket but since seattle's first game is this week my wife wants to go down to seattle!! usually i watch here in silverdale.
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