Any info. on top tier guys who may be cut june 1st? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Any info. on top tier guys who may be cut june 1st?


The Sasquatch!!!
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Newport News, Va.
Seeing as how the fins haven't been too active during free agency in terms of filling holes I was just curious as to whether or not it's possible cam and mueller have something up their sleeves as far as guys getting released late. Any info is appreciated.
Between the big bumps in the salary cap the last few years, the increased sophistication with which teams are approaching the salary cap, and the change in the CBA regarding dead cap timing, there really aren't June 1 cuts anymore.
Between the big bumps in the salary cap the last few years, the increased sophistication with which teams are approaching the salary cap, and the change in the CBA regarding dead cap timing, there really aren't June 1 cuts anymore.

I am not sure if I understand what you are saying here? They still have to make cuts to get down to the roster limit and there is a date it must be done by? Have they changed things?
yeah daunte culpepper.

cuts are made after june first so that teams can split the cap hit over 2 seasons instead of one
I am not sure if I understand what you are saying here? They still have to make cuts to get down to the roster limit and there is a date it must be done by? Have they changed things?

That date that they have to be under the cap has already passed. The cap rules regarding June 1 were changed in the last CBA so that there is no advantage to cutting players then.
why wait if you release late there will be a very small replacement options
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