Oh here we go, another rant and rave about football knowledge this and football knowledge that....excuse me for not bowing down before you oh holy one. Give me a frikkin break! When did I ever mention the fact that we lost the game because of penalties!? You insinuated that with your all knowing self. I merely made mention that the 1st 2 games we've had too many penalties and you want someone to swing at another player to extract revenge. There's a time and place for it, and doing it blatantly in front of the refs on the field is absolutely ridiculous and has no bearing on one's knowledge of football! Oh and let me tell you a little something about having someone's back. I served 8 years in the U.S. Army and was right on the North Korean border where we would be on alert hearing the tanks roll out at 4 in the morning, and in Izmir Turkey where several terrorist groups would lick their lips at the thought of seeing an American. I can't tell you how many times myself, and several other Americans would get jumped for just walking down the street. It would be ratios of like 20 to 5, so don't talk to me about having someones back. I guess while you were gaining your knowledge in football, I was fighting for your freedom