Any updates on assistant coaches?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Any updates on assistant coaches??


Football Guru
Feb 3, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone has heard any updates on our possible assistant coaches for OC, Tight Ends, Strength Coach, Quarterback Coach etc.
qb's coach will be carmicheal spent 2006 with saints.that should be named soon....the other's you guess is as good as mine zampese was thought to be the frontrunner for oc in training under cam but does'nt look like that will happen now.
I was wondering if anyone has heard any updates on our possible assistant coaches for OC, Tight Ends, Strength Coach, Quarterback Coach etc.

No kiddin, whats happened to the news lately?
Looks like the entire Sports staff at the Sentinel went on vacation, and left a clueless newb incharge. The top two leading Dolphins stories the past few days, have been exclusively on Tennis.
I'd expect there would be plenty of news to report on, in addition to DefensiveEnd#76's requests, what happened to Tennessee's interest on Mueller?
Or whatabout,

  1. Has Wayne kicked Randy down a new contract?
  2. Has Cameron finished his transplant to South Florida?
  3. Has he contacted Ricky? Will he?
  4. Has he spoke with Zampeze?
  5. Did Zampeze blow it off?
  6. Any other OC's in the mix?
  7. Has Mularkey's title been defined yet?
  8. Any more player comments on Cameron?
  9. Any commenting on the superbowl teams using their facilites?
  10. Are all the defensive coaches, and their contracts safe under Capers governance?
  11. Will Mel Phillips eventually be buried at team HQ's
  12. Any sightings of a determined Daunte Culpepper, jogging around the facilities?
The last few days we have heard barely a snippet of Dolphins news. Did the Dolphins media outlets close up shop until the draft or what??
Everyone is up in Alabama right now scouting, but we should hear something on the coaching staff soon.....

Seems to be a serious lull in news, not worried, Randy, Cam and Dom are surely very busy getting this team ready for the draft, Wayne surely has his exec's doing their due diligence on finding us a good future/developing OC under Cam.
I was wondering if anyone has heard any updates on our possible assistant coaches for OC, Tight Ends, Strength Coach, Quarterback Coach etc.
Earlier in the week it was reported that Cameron wanted the coaching staff in place by Sunday night (tonight). So, if that holds up we should be hearing something today or tomorrow morning.

You would have to think today is a big day for getting these moves complete. The Senior Bowl week is over and there are no NFL games this week.
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