Anybody Else Enjoying Our Results So Far? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anybody Else Enjoying Our Results So Far?

Adam First

Excellence in Mediocrity
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Club Member
Jul 4, 2005
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Port Saint Lucie, FL
Of this Nick Saban era?

Our draft DIDN'T SUCK (our 7th ROUNDER looked good, damn ACL Tear :shakeno: )
We're not fully trusting a QB even under injury
We're finally seeing how vastly overrated Chris Chambers has been (even though I still like him)

Despite our record, change is good, right? :D
Yes, I find this season much more entertaining than last year.

It is clear to see this team is on the right road.
BlueFin said:
Yes, I find this season much more entertaining than last year.

It is clear to see this team is on the right road.

I agree with you, this season has been more entertaining. We may not have beat our previous 4-12 record yet but you can tell this team is playing better. Our off-season acquisitions will be crucial going into next season.
I have been happy and not happy both.

Happy: TheO-line looks good. They are starting to gel and play together. Houck is the man. Travis Daniels has suprised me. Crowder looks as though he will be very good. And of course Ronnie. I am happy that the team seems to have a direction and a goal in mind.

UnHappy: The playcalling just aggrevates the crap out of me. "#1 recievers" dropping passes that hit them in the hands. Gus is very inconsistent (I still think he is our best option but that's not saying much). Red zone playcalling, wow I could snap like a twig. The lack of using the running game.

I would say in general i am happy with the team but Things could be better.
The thing that kills me is that 90% of everyone on this board predicted around 7-9 or worse this year. It actually looks like we're right on that track, yet the sky is falling for 70% of you guys. I woul have loved to win some of those close games this year, but I am really happy with the way we are playing, especially in these last two games.

Anybody who is just going crazy right now about the Dolphins needs to take a step back and realize how far we've come. This is a team devoid of depth due to extremely weak drafts the last few years. We have some stars heldover from the JJ era, but besides that we are extremely thin.

What has went right this year?

1). We are physical. The last two games have really impressed me.

2). We are actually starting to play more disciplined. Less penalties, turnovers, and generally guys making tackles.

3). The offensive line. We can all think of some positions we need to improve on next year, but somehow patching up our offensive line this offseason seems to be less of a priority. They have pass blocked extremely well, and generally open holes in the running game. They are at least an average line now.

4). Ronnie Brown, Crowder, Daniels. 3 guys from our last draft are already starting, and Roth probably will be at some point in his career. Not only are they starting, but they all are playing solid.

99% of the talk on this board is about short term problems that are basically our growing pains. Does our OC need to get a feel for our offense? Sure, but we should have expected that. Do we need a quarterback? Yep, but didn't we know that before the season started? These things will be fixed, it's just gonna take time. The characteristics this team has displayed in its last 2 or 3 games especially show me that they are gonna be the real deal next year and in the future.
Sure i'm enjoying the results of this season, but still a few things still get to me. A difference about this season with last is that i ithink the phins have a chance in every game to win it, and even though they don't its still a hard fought physical battle. Some things that piss me off is the inconsistancy of our Recievers, namely one, and the fact that we do not run the ball enough. But for this team to become any better it has to get younger.
Adam First said:
Of this Nick Saban era?

Our draft DIDN'T SUCK (our 7th ROUNDER looked good, damn ACL Tear :shakeno: )
We're not fully trusting a QB even under injury
We're finally seeing how vastly overrated Chris Chambers has been (even though I still like him)

Despite our record, change is good, right? :D

Actually, with all things considered, this season is unfolding pretty much the way I expected it to. How many teams went from the bottom to the top the next year with full changes in coaching, philosophy and a bunch of different players?
Overall I'm happy with the direction the team is headed. Our record is nothing great, but we no longer have that 'downward spiral' feel. Instead we are a team that is taking strides to improve.
I like the philosophies from Saban much better than the jargon that Wanny always spit up. I think Saban has some great ideas and has a system that could work. But this season has only been slightly better than last season so far. Saban still has alot of work to do. He hasn't done a whole lot yet, but he hasn't had much time yet either.
i'm happy with the results, i honestly didn't think the Phins would have 3 wins by now or even be coming as close to winning games as they actually have. It's good to see Wanny gone and Saban in coaching, and it's good to see Ronnie Brown playing well too. I have not been impressed with our QB or WR's, and the play of our defense though.
Dolphins_SR66 said:

Effort, Direction, Outlook......YES!!!!

Results....heck no. it was with Bates at headcoach, last season


Outlook.....Unknown for three years.
BlueFin said:
Yes, I find this season much more entertaining than last year.

It is clear to see this team is on the right road.


Go Fins!!!
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