yesterday after work i cashed my check and bought a PFW 09 Season Preview mag and an Athlon Sports Pro Football 09 Preview mag as well,and on the latter is a pic of Brady with the caption under him HE'S BAAAACK! and on the PFW mag are pics of players from the 3 other AFCE Teams and Eli Manning as well,but no pic of a Dolphins surprise there...the Athlon Sports mag has an article about whether the WildCat is just a passing fad or actually here to stay,and some players&coaches opinions on it,and also how the Safety position is the new glamour position in the NFL...both mags have pretty much already annointed "Lord Brady and the Almighty Pats" to reclaim their "rightful" place back atop the AFCE...which again,is no surprise...but there are some good articles in them in case any of you wanna check them out...the overview of our Phins in the Athlon Sports mag is always a good read to me...i really can't wait for football season to start so we all can see how our team's going to do...i don't know about any of you,but i'm chomping at the bit for some football...