Anyone else get a PM from "Press Coverage" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else get a PM from "Press Coverage"


Coaches Corner
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Feb 16, 2002
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I laughed my butt off after I got a PM from "Press Coverage" after doubting / bashing him for his first post. I basically bashed him for not providing a link or source for his info (he could have said my mommy works for the paper and that could have been good enough to wait and see) . I thought his whole attitude was trollish and to me he seemed to be the typical troll the way he came off. I bet he PM'd everyone that didnt apologize. Geez...there's so much one could say about that.

His PM was was a I told you so followed by some name calling. Maybe he's Armondo out for revenge on innocent Dolfans! :eek:
no. thank god. i tried to be nice to guy and and he slammed me back. even though i missed the origional barrage i did appologize for thinking he was a trouble maker and he threw right back at me. the tone of his post is what set me off. it's as if we were all supposed to just trust him because he was taking the time to post or something. i dropped it after that. though it would be cool if we could get info a few hours before it's "official"..
DOLPHAN1 said:
no. thank god. i tried to be nice to guy and and he slammed me back. even though i missed the origional barrage i did appologize for thinking he was a trouble maker and he threw right back at me. the tone of his post is what set me off. it's as if we were all supposed to just trust him because he was taking the time to post or something. i dropped it after that. though it would be cool if we could get info a few hours before it's "official"..
Well, I wasnt as nice a boy as you were with him. When he sent the first PM it came off as immature, then his second one was all name calling, so unfortunately I responded by blasting away what little self esteem he had with some well stated facts about his manhood.
:shakeno: I'm disappointed in myself but then again it was true and funny!

BTW - You may have apologized a little too soon for thinking he is a trouble maker. So far he hasnt done anything to dispell that idea.
BTW - You may have apologized a little too soon fore thinking he is a trouble maker. So far he hasnt done anything to dispell that idea.

that may be true. i was thinking that myself. this guy seems the sort to be a "i told you so and your an ___________(insert explative) for not believing me---now kiss my @$$ and i'll THINK about including you in my life(priveledge)" kinda guy. we have enough of those kind already in the main forum.

i tell ya' if his name ever comes up for access to this forum, i'll sure respond with a resounding "NOOOOooooo!" :evil:
DOLPHAN1 said:
that may be true. i was thinking that myself. this guy seems the sort to be a "i told you so and your an ___________(insert explative) for not believing me---now kiss my @$$ and i'll THINK about including you in my life(priveledge)" kinda guy. we have enough of those kind already in the main forum.

i tell ya' if his name ever comes up for access to this forum, i'll sure respond with a resounding "NOOOOooooo!" :evil:

YUP. That exactly how i see him so far.
I just leave the posts from brand new members alone...I might read it but i wont reply really cuz usually theres no point. In his case there was no point cuz he had no proof that he knew anything, and i had no proof to disprove him either so i didnt bother sayin anything. Like u guys said he was acting like a troll even before he was proven right and now it seems hes gotten worse.
From what I know, I doubt he ever has a scoop again.
Muck said:
From what I know, I doubt he ever has a scoop again.

Hmmmm kind of an inside the inside scoop thingy ayyy?

I left myself out of his thread because, well, I figured he was about to get 40 replies in a row that said one word.


He responded rather harshly to even those making appologies, so if it's his last scoop.......good.
it's interesting the difference in opinions on this guy on the main forum. in here most of us seem to be on the same page about him. i wonder how much more we will here from him...
DOLPHAN1 said:
it's interesting the difference in opinions on this guy on the main forum. in here most of us seem to be on the same page about him. i wonder how much more we will here from him...
Has anyone checked to see if he is already using a different user name? Also, why didn't he post an update about poole? his source surely knew about the possible extent of the injury and would've told him right?

Hey i have sources! i want attention.. ok so my source is a lucky run in at the publix in plantation.. can i still have cool points? hahaha
Wow ... I just NOW came across the whole PressCoverage incident. Wow ... weird.

BTW, I just want to make clear that I have NO inside sources. I is juts a god righter.
My inside source told me that "Press Coverage" also uses another name here at Finheaven....
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