Anyone still a little upset about McMichael? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone still a little upset about McMichael?


Mar 13, 2006
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The guy is still very young and is a top 10 TE in the league. If we only cut him because he sucks at blocking then I think that's a pretty stupid move by the organization. We could just sign a blocking backup TE and kept both. But instead we signed David freakin Martin. They should've signed me. I'm healthy at least. I just don't like how sometimes we're always trying to find "the hidden gem." "McMichael is good, but this guy could be good if he starts showing potential at 28 years old and he stays healthy for a year. Yes....then we could have found a gem." I garuntee you Cam is not gonan find the next Gates (unless it's David Sutton.):D I'm gonna miss McMichael and I know most of you are gonna disagree with me because we're all dolphins homers here and whatever the organization does was a smart move.

And P.S.: McMichael was the only player that brought some attitude to our offense.

Oh yea mods can move this if they want/need to. Sorry if posted in wrong forum.
Sucks at blocking and catching, likes to body catch, has horrible hands and he's been out of shape since forever now. Not to mention how slow he is [I think we're going with speed now in our offense?].
don't need someone with that many problems off the field on the team. I'm ok to see him go.
McMike was a good TE and even though he wasn't a terrific blocker most good catching TE aren't. Gates, Crumpler, Heap, Witten all aren't great run blockers. I think we would be better of with McMike instead of Martin in this offense.
I'm upset. Not one person here can tell me that David Martin is an upgrade over McMichael. I understand the financial reasoning behind it, but we aren't better on the field because of it.
I'm sad to see him go I enjoyed watching him play
I'm upset. Not one person here can tell me that David Martin is an upgrade over McMichael. I understand the financial reasoning behind it, but we aren't better on the field because of it.

That's exactly why he left.

But I think McMike will be a very good TE this year with the Rams in Linihans offense he could put up huge numbers.
McMichaels wasn't a top 10 TE. The last couple of years he couldn't catch a cold when it counted. He was greatly overpaid for the little he contributed and was a wife-beater to go along with that. You need to go back and watch a little more film before you make bold statements like "he was a top 10 TE''.
I'm upset. Not one person here can tell me that David Martin is an upgrade over McMichael. I understand the financial reasoning behind it, but we aren't better on the field because of it.

Okay. Believe it if you want :wink:
Randy was a fan darling because we were so starved for play makers. But he had suspect hands, and couldn't block for his life. Martin's a better athlete, with better hands, and much better blocker.
But, I didn't tell you :tongue:
I'm upset. Not one person here can tell me that David Martin is an upgrade over McMichael. I understand the financial reasoning behind it, but we aren't better on the field because of it.

I can't say I'm upset to see him go, but do agree with you. I really don't see any way that this move can be considered an upgrade at this point in time.
Top 10?

He's a good tight end, but he isn't top 10 good. He's too inconsistent and drops alot of catchable balls to be marked that high. We will be alright with Martin and Anderson.
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