Anyone watch NFLTA? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone watch NFLTA?


Pure white trash...god I love her!
Aug 9, 2004
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Maine (Patsy fan HELL!)
they had some guy on there..adam schecter or something like that?? he said that the phins should trade surtain to philly for a 2d round pick......and them madison to i think he said green bay...for a 2d round pick??????

WTF is that all about????

he said let the rebuilding begin.........that would be a catastrophic trade....and very very stupid!
You should stop watching whatever that show is immediately.
first of all
"he said that the phins should trade surtain to philly for a 2d round pick"
so Sutain for feeley? go to hell

"madison to i think he said green bay...for a 2d round pick?????? to rebuild"

HOW THE <flower> are we going to REBUILD when we destory our cap by trading madison.. some people don't know **** and just talk out there arse.
Sounds like Mr. Schecter is full of you know what! :shakeno:
that is what i was thinking......Surtain for what a deal!!!

then madison for another 2d rounder???

they just recently started having this guy on this season supposedly with "inside type news" from around the league and i was on the fence on whether or not i liked the guy...after tonights show.....i now realize he is an idiot.
Shows like that just say things for ratings. Want to talk about a team mutiny- trade those guys. Heck, they will have a fan mutiny also.
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