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Anyone watching Quite Frankly?

Smith doesn't know **** about football.
I remember what he said last year I think it was after the Giants-Seahawks game. When Feeley missed 3 FG's.
He said Giants should've kicked it on 3rd down, that way if they miss, they get another shot on 4th down.
Steven A is a blowhard. :monkeyl:

Joey learned in Detroit not to watch sports channels or read the newspaper during football season.
I think a lot of you are already making the same mistake you made believing all the preseason hype and thinking just because we added Culpepper that we were headed to a super bowl appearance, or at least deep in the playoffs.

I can't say I really blame you, because as a true fan, you can't help but want to believe, but everyone saying that Joey Harrington sucks has up to this point been right. Until he proves otherwise, he just hasn't been a very good player.

Making all these excuses for him, though, like how bad the Lions have been and what dissaray their whole franchise has been in forever, is just wishful thinking more than anything else at this point. I really hope he plays lights out, but there has been little evidence to suggest that he can and will. I will be real surprised if he turns out to be the savior a lot of you are thinking he will be.

Just keep your expectations a little tempered, or at least somewhat grounded in reality.
In his defense. "Quite Frankly" is a show that supposed to make those sort of comments. Stephen A isn't a complete arsehole. Its his persona on ESPN that gets him his own show and keeps him in Gucci and Gold. The show is nothing more than a RANT/BLOG that is supposed to make shock statements that makes you watch it and increase their ratings.

I am in no way a supporter of Stephen A. Mainlly, because hes a journalist. In my lifetime I haven't found a journalist or a politician I've gotten close to liking so I take them as what they are. Clowns. Not that they are arseholes.....its just their jobs.
Why oh why do you guys care so much about a stupid announcer's opinion? Just doesn't make sense to me. A guy who can't make a living any other way but talking in front of a camera isn't someone I expect to be smart, about anything.
It seemed, looking at it, like the fallout for the Patriots from the Dolphins’ late quarterback change was Joey Harrington’s outstanding first-half performance. The book on Daunte Culpepper was if you bring pressure, he’ll fold. And early on, New England brought waves of five-, six- and seven-man rush packages. Like Culpepper hasn’t this year, Harrington made the quick read and got rid of the ball swiftly on his way to a 17-of-22 first half. In the second half, the Patriots rarely brought more than four rushers, forcing Harrington to read the coverage, check down, and get the ball into tighter spaces. The result was a 9-for-19 second half and just 56 yards through the air. It’s worth mentioning that CB Asante Samuel’s picks came with three and four men rushing, respectively, and the field flooded with coverage.

Thought this was an interesting piece from a Patriots beat reporter.
In the great words of Bang; "Booyahh."

Does anyone really care what he thinks? I guarantee he's just repeating whatever his show producer is whispering in his ear.
BE GOOD said:
Smith doesn't know **** about football.
I remember what he said last year I think it was after the Giants-Seahawks game. When Feeley missed 3 FG's.
He said Giants should've kicked it on 3rd down, that way if they miss, they get another shot on 4th down.

That was a classic, he can't get through one show without something becoming a racial issue.........
Vertical Limit said:
Wow, I hope Joey Harrington watched this show today as motivation to shut his stupid *** up.

The guy compliments Joey by saying he outplayed Tom Brady for 2 quarters, and Stephen A says "He's not for real, he's Joey Harrington."

Stupid ***. Go back to basketball.:fire:

He said the same thing last week about Kenny Rodgers!!!:sidelol:
Wow, there's someone who actually watches that show?

From an outside perspective, Joey is a failed starter who played over his head in the first half against the Patriots. When the Pats were up 13-10 at the half I turned to the guy next to me and said something like "We have a lead even though Joey played the first half of his life. I'm happy." Lo and behold Joey played like the guy I expected him to in the 2nd half.

The guy has 4-5 years of evidence that he isn't anything better than ok. In the last game he had one half that said he was a top qb and another that said he wasn't very good.

I think you guys are setting yourselves for a fall if you look at the first half last Sunday (when yes he did outplay Brady) and expecting similar performance. If he plays like a guy who wins as many as he loses he's an upgrade from Culpepper.
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