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Anyone who didn't expect that to happen

even if we had won, vintage dolphins would find a way to lose to all the crap teams on the schedule. Pick your poison.
Just don't make moronic strategic decisions. That's all I ask for. I expected Green Bay to not be at its best, and for this game to come down to the final possession. I posted that early in the week. It reminded me of the Seattle game two years ago and the Carolina game last year. We were fortunate the opponent was satisfied with itself after a string of wins. Green Bay in that second quarter today seemed so confident of inevitable victory they actually ran the ball too often, particularly on first down.

Calling that time out on 4th and 10 is an all timer. Green Bay was exhausted and reeling. The play clock was running down and they had no look of being able to regroup. No problem. We'll bail them out. It was as if Philbin had a preplanned strategy and was so robotically clueless he didn't bother to adjust based on situation.

With 6 seconds remaining it's obvious they'll run a quick play to enable 2 snaps instead of 1, if needed. As soon as Wheeler ran out there to cover a split receiver it was so laughable I didn't bother to retain any hope. You could see Rodgers looking in that direction and gesturing. No need to disguise anything. The Dolphins have handed it to you. Take it and smile.

Another play that is so predictable to me is the one right before the two minute warning on first down. Teams get the automatic time out so it's usually a run. I'm yelling "watch the run" and of course they get a nice gain on it plus the automatic time out.
I don't understand why you call a timeout on 4th and 10 after the Packers have just fumbled, with the clock running, 14 seconds left on the play clock and ticking, Packers not ready to snap the football yet...

Of all the things that happened in the game, that's the one I really struggle to understand.
I don't understand why you call a timeout on 4th and 10 after the Packers have just fumbled, with the clock running, 14 seconds left on the play clock and ticking, Packers not ready to snap the football yet...

Of all the things that happened in the game, that's the one I really struggle to understand.

It might be worse than the Sparano called time out against the saints. Heck, it's worse
I posted in a rant earlier in the week that I thought that this was a winnable game but that I didn't trust Philbin. He's good for multiple losses every season. This was on him at many levels. The timeout on 4th down with the clock ticking is a total hoot to general NFL fans of other teams. Sadly, it's devastating for Miami fans who have Philbin negatively intruding on our lives while we are helpless, with no say in the matter. But it's not just the 4th down. There was plenty of buffoonery.
When Philbin called the time out we all knew the game was done and over with that very moment.
Philbin is not an intelligent man... Plain and simple he has no clue whatsoever... Probabilities? WTF is that? Logic? thats a myth! Commons sense? The hell with it! He probably watches seinfeld because he feels he can relate to George...
I think most of us knew it was over when we played vanilla on our last possession and gave the ball back to Rodgers. Game over. When this happened I left my TV and went to commute into work because I already knew the outcome.
I remember thinking, "Watch them run the clock play." :lol:

Dolphins gonna Dolphin. Just keep those losses coming. Philbin and his people need to go.
I don't understand why you call a timeout on 4th and 10 after the Packers have just fumbled, with the clock running, 14 seconds left on the play clock and ticking, Packers not ready to snap the football yet...

Of all the things that happened in the game, that's the one I really struggle to understand.

Also remember the crowd was rocking after that sack and the o-line, especially the tackles, looked gassed. On what planet does it make sense to give the other tired team a breather and allow Aaron Rodgers a minute or so to think of a play? Despite everything prior to that moment, they had them right in their crosshairs and on the verge of a season changing win and then Philbin pulls a Reese Bobby at Applebees.
When we chose to run it on 3rd and 9 (again the definition of playing not to lose instead of playing to win) I screamed like I had Tourette's "We ****ing lost!!" This was in front of my in-laws and others around.

A close second was choosing to take one of OUR timeouts when they had 4th and 10 and no TOs left.

It is really amazing with this team how you can see/feel it coming.....there was ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that Rodgers would come back and win it.
I saw Rodgers and then saw 2+ min left on the clock. I laughed and watched him do exactly what I thought a great QB would do.
I think most of us knew it was over when we played vanilla on our last possession and gave the ball back to Rodgers. Game over. When this happened I left my TV and went to commute into work because I already knew the outcome.
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