Anywhere I can get phins tickets vs the radiers for sunday? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anywhere I can get phins tickets vs the radiers for sunday?


Practice Squad
Dec 12, 2002
Reaction score
Does anyone know where I can get tickets for the dolphins vs the radiers this sunday, even though the game is sold out i know there is a few sites that sell tickets. If you guys can help me out I will appricate it...
As a rookie here.....welcome. Well I don't know where to get the tickets friend bought my ticket and I am paying him.
Welcome to the boards man... hope you like it...

Anyways, you can get tickets through

If they don't have anything listed on their site, call them up at 1-888-590-9090

Make sure you tell them that you are from

Also, I just wanted to let everyone know that I do not make commission off of their ticket sales. They only incentive I get is a good ticket price when I or my father go to buy tickets.
Originally posted by ChaChe
Does anyone know where I can get tickets for the dolphins vs the radiers this sunday, even though the game is sold out i know there is a few sites that sell tickets. If you guys can help me out I will appricate it...

You will have to buy from scalpers. You have the choice from the legal scalpers (ticket brokers) or illegal scalpers.

Illegal scalpers are cheaper. They are located at Turnpike and University drive right when you come off the TP. Its about 1/2 mile NW of the stadium.

If you don't know exactly where that is PM me and I give you directions. Let me know where you are coming from though.
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