Aqua Pants | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Aqua Pants

Dolph N.Fan

Active Roster
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
I think since the logo update I like the White Jerseys and Aqua Pants look the most. Didn't care for the aqua pants with the previous unis/logo. White on white or White on aqua seems to be the way to go. Aqua on white is eh.
I honestly thought for some reason that the NFL was having both teams wear their dark "home" jerseys for this game.

Was wishing for the Dolphins in aqua vs. the Raiders in white. That is a RARE sight to see.

The aqua pants in the new uniform is much better than the old.
Love the Aqua pants with white jerseys. Really wish they would do this a lot more
Definitely an improved look over the all white I think. Gives us more of an identity, there are plenty of other teams that wear mostly white, helps us to stand out. I just wish we would throw some more orange in there, maybe instead of the navy blue on the socks?
Are you kidding. They looked like bunch of gay smurfs out there in those things...
I really like the aqua pants, and they looked great today, especially since the Dolphins were winning. :)
Are they undefeated in the aqua pants since the uni change?
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