Arbitration clause could stop Flores 'suit against the Fins | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Arbitration clause could stop Flores 'suit against the Fins

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Club Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Pretty interesting read. Doesn't look like his suit vs the NFL could get squashed, but due to his contract (which I have to imagine his lawyer reviewed) this lawsuit might not see the light of day. Let's all pray this happens and saves us a summer of bad Fins press.

Pretty interesting read. Doesn't look like his suit vs the NFL could get squashed, but due to his contract (which I have to imagine his lawyer reviewed) this lawsuit might not see the light of day. Let's all pray this happens and saves us a summer of bad Fins press.

Interesting. Arbitration pretty much ensures a payday for Flores, even if it's just a payment to "go away".
Flores and his attorney gets paid, the Fins lose draft picks and are fined heavily.
Flores had better have a plan B because coaching will not be an option.
Flores and his attorney gets paid, the Fins lose draft picks and are fined heavily.
Flores had better have a plan B because coaching will not be an option.
Not if Flores get hired by Texans, he is still an finalist
Flores and his attorney gets paid, the Fins lose draft picks and are fined heavily.
Flores had better have a plan B because coaching will not be an option.
I don’t find Flores to be a particularly intelligent dude… but he’s not dumb enough to think he still has a chance at a career in the NFL.

He filed the suit knowing his NFL days, at least as a head coach, are done.
So would Flores argument of the basically all 32 teams having the take it or not become an NFL head coach have any merit in fighting the arbitration clause?
So now Florbitch's lawsuit cost McCown a shot at a HC position. If I was McCown I would sue the NFL and the Texans because he was absolutely discriminated against because of the color of his skin! Total BS!!!

So now Florbitch's lawsuit cost McCown a shot at a HC position. If I was McCown I would sue the NFL and the Texans because he was absolutely discriminated against because of the color of his skin! Total BS!!!

People like McCown don't count when it comes to discrimination/'s like in the fine print or something.
The problem with Flores case, is that this allegedly happened during the 2019 season and he wasn't fired until 2022 after he allegedly alienated himself from the staff and had heated exchanges with the Dolphins prized up and coming QB. Then he was replaced by a minority coach. He's gonna have a very challenging time convincing anyone that he was discriminated on. His claims about getting sham interviews may be 100% true, but that's a result of the Rooney Rule and that wasn't part of his experience with the Dolphins.

I just don't see how any of this has any merit...
People like McCown don't count when it comes to discrimination/'s like in the fine print or something.
It’s not racism if done to a white person. Just stop already. Clearly white people have dominated this earth since creation. Except of course for when the Persians and Mongols dominated large regions and had white people as slaves. But that was so long ago. This is not a double standard people.
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