Are these people kidding me? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Are these people kidding me?


Seasoned Veteran
Mar 2, 2005
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Is it me or does it seem ridiculous that these multi-millionaires and billionaires cannot handle this simple task of making an agreement with people who can't count to 100. These players are manhandling these genius business owners. I would expect at least 1 of these guys to take control and get w/e they want.Gene Upshaw is pissing me off. Matt Birk ever said he doesn't agree with the NFLPA. Let's just play some football. What do you guys think of this?
why the hell did you have to start your own thread to bash players and not the owners?

its the owners that are too mony hungry to decide on one stupid thing.
Ark139954 said:
Is it me or does it seem ridiculous that these multi-millionaires and billionaires cannot handle this simple task of making an agreement with people who can't count to 100. These players are manhandling these genius business owners. I would expect at least 1 of these guys to take control and get w/e they want.Gene Upshaw is pissing me off. Matt Birk ever said he doesn't agree with the NFLPA. Let's just play some football. What do you guys think of this?

I just think everyone is too greedy.
SabanEra84 said:
a deal will be done, an uncapped year would cause havoc and only big market teams would land fa's
Yeah dude, and we're one of those teams. I don't see a big deal with having a salary cap neways. The whole point is to maintain a competitive balance within the NFL which the cap supposedly provides. But the balance in the NFL isn't that great anyways. Look at the Cardinals or Saints, The Seahawks until this year had never won a playoff game and the Falcons haven't had back to back winning seasons in their team history!.....And all this with a cap!!!!

I say ditch the cap and let the chips fall where they may.
Ironically, if the players were smarter and better informed, the union might realize that they are contributing to they ruination of a good thing
Do you guys really think that the owners or the people running things for the NFLPA are dumb? These are some of the brightest business and legal minds in your country. Don't mistake these negotiations for the work of fools. Its an extremely complicated process involving billions of dollars. Sometimes egos get in the way, but realistically, Im thrilled that they are making this much of an effort to come to an agreement that will benefit the game. Remember, these NFL teams are hobbies to a lot of them. They have many other enterprises that require their attention.
HaRdKoReXXX said:
Yeah dude, and we're one of those teams. I don't see a big deal with having a salary cap neways. The whole point is to maintain a competitive balance within the NFL which the cap supposedly provides. But the balance in the NFL isn't that great anyways. Look at the Cardinals or Saints, The Seahawks until this year had never won a playoff game and the Falcons haven't had back to back winning seasons in their team history!.....And all this with a cap!!!!

I say ditch the cap and let the chips fall where they may.
The balance is'nt great?

Since the 2000 season 27 of the 32 (a rough count) teams have made the playoffs at least once. I think that is as balanced as it gets. To say the NFL does'nt have "parity" and is not balanced is absurd.

The teams you pointed out have been undone in most instances by poor management (Cardinals, Saints). No, the Falcons have not had back to back winning seasons in team history but I'll remind you that they have done a hell of a lot more in the playoffs over the last decade then the Dolphins. (By the way, the Seahawks won playoff games in 1984 and 1983).

Spring training just began in MLB and there are 20 teams that know they have NO chance of winning the World Series. If the season began in the NFL right now, I'd bet 20 teams could say they have a legit shot at WINNING the Super Bowl. History poves this.

You don't want a salary cap? That's great. It would'nt have that big an effect for a few years but as time goes by the divide between the haves (Cowboys, Redskins) and the have nots (Colts, Bills) would slowly widen until the NFL began to look like Major League Baseball. It would not happen overnight but in 10 years the NFL would not even resemble what it does today.

I like the NFL the way it is...

Sure there are things I'd like changed. I'd like teams to be able to do more to keep their drafted players (a cap exemption for players that you drafted wouldbe perfect. It would reward teams that draft well and let them hold there team together longer if the player wanted to stay) and I'd like to see a rookie salary cap.

No salary cap would be a disaster in my opinion....eventually.
2xBlown said:
Do you guys really think that the owners or the people running things for the NFLPA are dumb? These are some of the brightest business and legal minds in your country. Don't mistake these negotiations for the work of fools. Its an extremely complicated process involving billions of dollars. Sometimes egos get in the way, but realistically, Im thrilled that they are making this much of an effort to come to an agreement that will benefit the game. Remember, these NFL teams are hobbies to a lot of them. They have many other enterprises that require their attention.

this is very true
unifiedtheory said:
The balance is'nt great?

Since the 2000 season 27 of the 32 (a rough count) teams have made the playoffs at least once. I think that is as balanced as it gets. To say the NFL does'nt have "parity" and is not balanced is absurd.

The teams you pointed out have been undone in most instances by poor management (Cardinals, Saints). No, the Falcons have not had back to back winning seasons in team history but I'll remind you that they have done a hell of a lot more in the playoffs over the last decade then the Dolphins. (By the way, the Seahawks won playoff games in 1984 and 1983).

Spring training just began in MLB and there are 20 teams that know they have NO chance of winning the World Series. If the season began in the NFL right now, I'd bet 20 teams could say they have a legit shot at WINNING the Super Bowl. History poves this.

You don't want a salary cap? That's great. It would'nt have that big an effect for a few years but as time goes by the divide between the haves (Cowboys, Redskins) and the have nots (Colts, Bills) would slowly widen until the NFL began to look like Major League Baseball. It would not happen overnight but in 10 years the NFL would not even resemble what it does today.

I like the NFL the way it is...

Sure there are things I'd like changed. I'd like teams to be able to do more to keep their drafted players (a cap exemption for players that you drafted wouldbe perfect. It would reward teams that draft well and let them hold there team together longer if the player wanted to stay) and I'd like to see a rookie salary cap.

No salary cap would be a disaster in my opinion....eventually.

no cap = no equal teams
Ark139954 said:
Is it me or does it seem ridiculous that these multi-millionaires and billionaires cannot handle this simple task of making an agreement with people who can't count to 100. These players are manhandling these genius business owners. I would expect at least 1 of these guys to take control and get w/e they want.Gene Upshaw is pissing me off. Matt Birk ever said he doesn't agree with the NFLPA. Let's just play some football. What do you guys think of this?
Some of the smartest people aren't billionaires, or even millionaires. Just because someone is rich, doesn't make them a genius, or even any smarter than the rest of us. :shakeno:
I'm just adding my vote to the pro salary cap people. The parity in the NFL now is wonderful and makes it so much more enjoyable to watch than it used to be.
Scrap said:
Some of the smartest people aren't billionaires, or even millionaires. Just because someone is rich, doesn't make them a genius, or even any smarter than the rest of us. :shakeno:

Point taken but the reality is that while there are a lot of very smart players, lets face it, there are more that are dumb as stumps and would be on the streets without sports. Not politically correct but it is reality.

The cap needs to stay as many have said.
It would be nice for there to be some exceptions made to the cap for instance a team can have some franchise players that only count so much towards the cap so they are guaranteed to stay in one city if they so desire.
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