Are we loading up for a good special team?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Are we loading up for a good special team??


Scout Team
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score

Who are these guys.....can we pick up some one who has a household name?

Dolphins | Jeanty visits
Comment (0) Thu, 18 Mar 2010 13:55:59 -0700
Jeff Darlington, of the Miami Herald, reports the Miami Dolphins met with Cincinnati Bengals restricted free-agent LB Rashad Jeanty Thursday, March 18. The Dolphins would not have to give the Bengals any compensation if they signed him and the Bengals decided not to match.

You mean pick up a player like Karlos Dansby? Gee...I don't know.
Household name really? Its not all about household names dude, & how many are left that have no compensation or are a RFA. none, & when have we ever go for the household name?
Would provide starting experience, youth and depth if signed. Allows for flexibility in the draft. What would be wrong with this signing? Other than not being a household name?

lol ill let you pass with the spelling :up:

i agree though. he was a solid player. Did start for a while. One thing he may do, as mentioned in another thread is provide an upgrade over Moses and Anderson.
I thing this guy would have way more potential than special teams contributor.

We've had the same group of shlubs at LB that have not stepped up and taken the reins of the position (yes, you Moses), so adding some depth and fire at that position would be fantastic.
nobody thinks about getting good special teams players untill our special teams do bad.We need all the good special teams players we can get.

Ozzy rules!!
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