Armando: Ireland job doesn't appear at risk | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando: Ireland job doesn't appear at risk


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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica

Despite the fact the team is likely headed to a fourth consecutive season out of the playoffs and perhaps a fourth consecutive losing season, I am told there has been zero discussion about replacing general manager Jeff Ireland. And obviously, head coach Joe Philbin isn't on the one-and-done road last traveled by Cam Cameron. He's not going anywhere, either.

So firings in Miami seem at this point unlikely.
Ireland's relationship with Ross also remains strong. The men continue to speak almost on a weekly basis and some weeks more often than that. Same with coach Joe Philbin. By contrast, once Sparano fell out of favor with Ross, the two talked only occasionally.

Another reason there isn't a huge likelihood anyone will be fired is Ross is a strong believer in continuity. He is convinced an NFL team needs it to succeed. Ross, you'll remember, stayed with Sparano and Ireland once he took over ownership even though he had no allegiance to either man.
Continuity is great when youre continuing something thats working. When youre continuing something that has still shown no progress 5 years in, it just becomes Einstein's definition of insanity.
Continuity is great when youre continuing something thats working. When youre continuing something that has still shown no progress 5 years in, it just becomes Einstein's definition of insanity.

This is a great way of putting it. Bravo.
Have a nice time looking up at the empty seats, Ross!
There are going to be empty seats with or without Jeff Ireland. Just how the locals roll.

Well if it makes u feel better, if ireland gets fired il become a season ticket holder, deal?
There are going to be empty seats with or without Jeff Ireland. Just how the locals roll.

Probably has nothing to do with the 4 losing seasons in a row and the complete state of irrelevance the franchise has been in since I have a conscious memory, right?

Im not going to tell you the fans arent fickle, because they are. But that works both ways. If we build a winning franchise, the people will come. Its been proven before.
Have a nice time looking up at the empty seats, Ross!

What? If Ireland leaves is he taking the beach with him? I keep hearing that has a huge impact on attendance.
Continuity is great when youre continuing something thats working. When youre continuing something that has still shown no progress 5 years in, it just becomes Einstein's definition of insanity.

Well said.

For the first time since the 60's(or pre-Shula) weve had 4 consecutive losing seasons. And yet the reason Ross wants to keep Ireland is "continuity". Sounds about right for Miami Dolphins logic.

Now i know why fans question if Ross wants to win.
There will be more empty seats with Ireland. More fans would come with new hope. JI has to prove himself to be more than a souvenir of the Trifecta term.
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