Article: Dolphins need to show confidence in Chad Henne | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Article: Dolphins need to show confidence in Chad Henne


Scout Team
Aug 6, 2008
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In his first two years, the Dolphins’ Chad Henne has been a more accurate passer who has thrown for more yards and been statistically better than the New York Jets’ Mark Sanchez.

Sanchez has completed 54.4 percent of his passes for 5,735 yards, 29 touchdowns, 33 interceptions and a 70.2 passer rating. Henne has completed 61.1 percent of his passes for 6,246 yards, 27 touchdowns, 33 interceptions and a 75.3 passer rating.

One of them is viewed as a Sexy Winner; the other is viewed as a Boring Failure.



Let’s rewind for a moment. There was another University of Michigan quarterback who was once unproven and drafted outside of the first round. But his coach trusted him in an uncommon way. The team got a lucky bounce on a rule that has since been fixed and stumbled to the Super Bowl, where it found itself tied late against the heavily favored Rams. Up in the broadcast booth, an old champion coach named John Madden implored Bill Belichick to run out the clock and play for overtime. This was wise with a young quarterback, he told the nation.

But that’s not how Belichick does business. On the biggest stage, in the biggest moment, Belichick trusted a quarterback who had thrown only one touchdown pass the entire postseason. One. And that’s the moment that Tom Brady became Tom Brady and Belichick became Belichick and the Patriots became the Patriots.

Quarterbacks, not unlike children, are products of their environment, their upbringing. They need to be nurtured when young and surrounded by support (running game, solid receivers, protection, faith). This is how confidence is built in just about any workplace, by having bosses who trust you and help you and groom you before you are ready. You have people who believe in you before you believe. Then you start stacking successes atop each other. Then you start to believe for yourself.

Compare that with how Henne has been raised here. First, just before Bill Parcells fled the scene of the crime, a couple of reporters close to Parcells reported that Parcells was very disappointed with Henne.

It wasn’t Parcells’ fault, see? The legendary Parcells, who hasn’t won a playoff game in more than a decade, obviously did his job before quitting. It isn’t his fault that the most important position in sports hadn’t been filled. It is Henne’s fault for not growing, for not being what the genius knew he should and would be. This had to make Henne feel very good, very supported, as Parcells fled the premises out the back door.

Once Parcells left, so too did the idea of job security among Dolphins management types. So what did his left-behind friends do? Ran for cover. They tried to save their own jobs by putting in Chad Pennington. This made Henne cry.

His bosses, rather obviously, rather publicly, didn’t believe in him. Gave up on him. This is the kind of thing that happens when people work like they are afraid to lose their jobs. It is hard to see clearly when scared, and it is hard to exhibit vision when you aren’t seeing clearly. The blueprint doesn’t get followed when it is in shaking hands.

You can yell and scream at the robot at quarterback if it makes you feel better.

Or you can wonder about the short-circuiting program around which he has been built.

i been saying this for awhile, that the coaches really screwed Henne up by not having confidence in him to open it up and drilling "dont turn it over, dont turn it over, dont turn it over" into his head and making him play scared.
Hasn't Henne started almost two seasons for an NFL football team despite being horrible? That's a show of confidence that most players in this league don't get. People really overdo it with the idea that we've somehow ruined this late 2nd round pick QB. He has regressed, but you can't completely bury talent.
I'll put it this way; I want Henne as our vet QB over VY or McNabb or Hass or Favre or Penny or Orton (b/c a he'd cost a pick) or Kolb (see Orton) or Bulger or Shaun Hill.

But I still want us to draft a QB early and maybe even draft 2 QBs relatively early (wouldn't mind seeing Thigpen beat out). I'd draft any of the top 4 guys at 15 (in this order: Gabbert, Locker, Newton, Mallett) and if we miss out on all of them, I want to trade down and take a combination of Devlin and a mid round guy (preferably Andy Dalton).

But make no mistake about it, we need to keep (or should I say START) bringing in QB talent. Hopefully we find a true franchise QB and hopefully Henne develops too. There's always value in QBs - maybe one day we're able to trade one of these QBs away for picks.
Yes, we need to hire a Head Coach that knows QB play and even a OC that can groom a QB right and let this robot off the cord.

O wait, I just remembered that we signed Sparano for ANOTHER season plus hired a OC that does not like plays that including a WR..........

Nevermind Chevy
This guy gets it there is always value with QBs - thanks you have restored my view in FH at least -the FO should listen to this kind of mentality - we went into last season Penny stealing snaps from TP and wHat should have been a developmental QB
No, we don't.

So basically what you're saying is outside of your sig you have nothing to contribute. Good to know.

Henne was without a doubt damaged by this coaching staff. That's not saying he's the future or even a quality starter, but at some point you have to take the training wheels and bubble wrap off.
Confidence is the number 1 commonality among all good pro atheletes. And He has not been brought up in a good place. If we want to give Henne a chance to be an good NFL QB we need to let go of the leash and let him make aggressive mistakes. This in the only way to learn and get better in the same process. However, we do need to get a QB in this draft to groom behind him for the near future if Henne continues to falter.
It's pretty clear that Henne regressed this year. When he was drafted, having been a 4 yr starter at Michigan, he appeared to have a high level of confidence. His 1st yr as a starter last yr he showed promise.
This season was an unmitigated disaster all around. There were several players who had sub-par seasons (Carey, Polite) and the special teams got worse.
This was an institutional problem, so I don't think Henne should be the scapegoat for all that is wrong with the team.
Hopefully, Sparano, uses this as a learning experience and corrects some things. Much like Bellicheck did after his failed stint with the Browns.
Henne needs a good QB coach. The physical tools are all there. Hopefully, the mental aspects of the game can be coached up
Make him the highest paid quarterback in the league and bring in Joey Harrington’s quarterback coach.
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