Article On Ronnie | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Article On Ronnie


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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica

Take his money, for example. Brown could buy more diamonds than most jewelry stores can supply. He'd simply rather not, instead passing off any jewelry to his father or brother.

He'd rather spend his money  or at least some of the $20 million he has been guaranteed as the second overall pick of the NFL Draft  on his family.

"The good thing about it is having the opportunity to do things for my family," Brown said. "If my parents feel like they want something, we can definitely afford it. That's the best part."
Nice read.

BTW, Ronnie, um I'm your 3rd cousin twice removed on your Mother's side. The reason you've never heard of me is that I was given up for adoption when I was a baby. But, Im back now and ready to once again be part of your family.............we can start with a new car :lol:
From all of what I've read about Brown, he sure seems like a great guy. It's definitely a nice change from all that I've read about other players around the league like T.O. who are totally self-absorbed.:)

Here's to a great career:drinkers:
I love that kid, he has the right attitude and is very mature for his age. TO should read that article and he might learn a few things.
Im not exadurating when I say we could very well be looking at the running back equivalent of Dan Marino..not just because of potential stats..but because of the mark he could leave on the South Florida community.

Folks..between Ronnie and Dwane Wade....Miami sure has got two of the classiest superstars to play in professional sports. Guys we can all be proud of in saying we had the privelage (sp?) of watching them play their respective games.
He's so overly humble it's not even funny. But it's great.
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