As a Fin fan do you care(Boston) | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

As a Fin fan do you care(Boston)

Originally posted by dolfan25
that Boston might be on steroids. Personally I don't care. If he helps the Fins win I could care less. I don't think there is 1 team in the NFL that doesn't have a guy using steroids on it. It's just that Boston is a high profile player in a position that usually isn't that big.

Just wondering

I dont think he is on steriods, he has been tested numerous times, he is just a big ****ing reciever, his arms are insane. He is a weight nut, but then again he sure looks like he is doing something.

As long as its legal and he doest act like a jack *** and stays out of trouble I want him here, him and chambers would be sick.
he may or may not be on them. i also know that with enough $ to pay $300+/month for supplements that there are many out there that ARE legal that can help a player get extremely big, cut, increase muscle size, and blah blah blah. Most people juice up to bulk up quickly or to go beyond their natural physical limitations. As of now, his body is well defined and muscular for his bone structure. As he is tested repeatedly for roids (cuz so many people think he's on them as a WR weighing 240+) and hasn't tested positive I would tend to say he is totally dedicated to working out, eating right, and lots of the right supplements. One can gain 30 lbs in 3 months taking the right supplements (i.e. lots of weight gainer, lots of creatine and at least 1 gram of protein per lb. of body weight). You do 2000 calories a day and 5grams of creatine mixed in with the proper protein (1gram per lb of weight at least) heavy lifting and cardio to keep the body fat down and you actually spend the money monthly to do so....most people can gain 30 lbs in 3-4 months and be looking pretty 'buff'.
oh yeah, btw....i do care as I don't like starters getting nailed on it when there is enough supplements and training regimens that it's not necessary to really get where one wants to if someone is dedicated. that's a waste of effort and an easy way to beef up when it's not required.
Let me confess to you this but I have used anabolic steroids. To get that big in such period of time your hormones need major stimulation, no supplement out there other than creatine, glutamine(depends which form) can get you like this. No prohormone supplement. Gaining 20 lbs in a year that is muscle would be lucky for some doing it naturally(excluding use of pro-hormones0. I am dedicated to fitness and i bodybuild so i can tell you this much. There are no maybe's its easy to beat steroid testing.

Human Growth Hormone- no test to this date has been able to detect it. His face seems bigger, I can tell thats a good sign that he is bloated. According to that picture.

Testosterone Suspension has a halflife of 12-20 hours. I can Stop it today and if im tested tommorow then i'll be gone. It has to be injected everyday for any possible effects.

The list goes on, to get strong the main thing is the eating. You need to eat big enough to get anywhere so I can tell this guy eats real healthy.
You are missing the point jbonds. No one can gain in 3 months 20 lbs at his age and time of training through his life. To gain that much muscle your hormone levels need to be that high. There are certain steroids that haven't been detected by tests however.
I just saw this picture of boston. First things first, look at his puffy face which could be due to high blood pressure levels and estrogen. His nipples look pretty puffy to me. his abdominal region is very thick, instead of having some deep cuts like a normal abdominal is, he has somewhat of a thick abdominal muscle. This could be due to Human growth hormone which I known people have gotten this from it.
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