Ask Boomer? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ask Boomer?

MadDawg020 said:
What happened to the Ask Boomer sticky? He always had great insight and updates on the draft.

To my knowledge, Boomer refuses to post in the main forum anymore. You can still find him in Forum #75 (the draft forum). He posts there with fair frequency. With all the sectionalizing of this forum recently, Boomer has practically nothing to talk about on the main Dolphins forum anymore (and neither do I, practically, since I've just about fully shifted gears over to the draft).
One of the benefits of being a VIP is that you get extensive coverage from the FH Draft Gurus.

I believe Boomer has been actively posting threads on the draft forum too.Just look out for them.
CrunchTime said:
One of the benefits of being a VIP is that you get extensive coverage from the FH Draft Gurus.

Boomer has been actively posting threads on the main forum too.Just look out for them.

Does this mean I have to sign up for the VIP forum? I still have credit card debt from the holidays. :D
chuckcole said:
Does this mean I have to sign up for the VIP forum? I still have credit card debt from the holidays. :D

Its only 24 bucks.It wont make a dent in your Dun and Bradsteet rating and the site could use the funds.:)
CrunchTime said:
Its only 24 bucks.It wont make a dent in your Dun and Bradsteet rating and the site could use the funds.:)
I've been meaning to do it for a while now. I think I'll be joining pretty soon. Plus, it's the least I could do to give back to the best site on the internet!
chuckcole said:
I've been meaning to do it for a while now. I think I'll be joining pretty soon. Plus, it's the least I could do to give back to the best site on the internet!

Thats the spirit .Anyone who visits this home away from home on a frequent basis should make an effort to help support it if they can.:) .
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