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ASK MIKE Question:

Dolph N.Fan

Active Roster
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
Q: I follow your column routinely, and always value your thoughtful opinions. On Sunday, my friend and I, a fellow 24 year old guy, attended our first home Dolphins game. Given the sheer number of Steelers fans, it would seem to make sense that Dolphins fans would need to be extra vocal in support of our team, especially given that we were in Section 115 and quite close to the field. My friend and I took it upon ourselves to cheer loudly for the Fins, but immediately following the opening kickoff we were jeered by our very own fellow Dolphins fans for wanting to stand during the game. We were repeatedly told that we were “ruining the experience,” “selfish,” and “obnoxious,” all for wanting to stand up during the game. Even during key moments such as third-down defensive plays, people still told us to sit down in our seats so we did not obstruct their view. By the end of the first quarter Dolphins fans were threatening to call security on two of their own, before a cadre of Steelers supporters came to our defense and told them they were really behaving ridiculously for getting after their own fans for cheering. I will say as background information that we were not using any foul language or even drinking alcohol; the only thing we were doing that was ‘offensive’ was standing and cheering.
I found their behavior embarrassing, and I believe that it partially explains why Miami fans have a bad reputation. If we can’t stand and shout to spur on our defense at a home game, how can we support the team at all? My question for you is were we out of line for wanting to shout, or should we have sat down and dispassionately watched the game along with the other South Florida regulars? Thanks in advance for your thoughts. Chris, Arlington, Va.

Chris, thanks for putting this out there. I’m surprised at the treatment you and your friend received, but then again maybe it’s just a sign of the times. Tickets aren’t cheap. People are used to sprawling out on their couches and watching sporting events on TV. Connect the dots.
As someone who grew up stomping his feet at the Orange Bowl in the ‘70s and ‘80s, who would scream himself hoarse as a teenager supporting the 70,000-strong chants of “DEE-fense, DEE-fense,” I’ve always been disappointed at the lack of true home-field advantage at Sun Life Stadium (and its many previous incarnations). Those who wonder why this franchise has dropped five straight home games, dating to last season, might reread your letter for additional explanation. There’s a mindset passionate NFL fans must bring to the game if they want to impact the outcome, and no amount of “Fins Up” videoboard cameos or T-Pain remixes or “howling wolf” samples can offset the absence of that mindset.

That is really pathetic that Dolphins fans would treat their own like that. Of all the sporting events I've been to in Ohio never have I've experienced being told to sit down and be quiet. If anything I was encouraged to to be louder. I mean seriously where did those complaining fans think they were at, a library?
Ive been to a few games and have to admit the crowd wasnt the rowdiest bunch, but they didnt complain when I stood and cheered. Must have been the section.
Unfortunately we're the kings of fair-weather fans. If we make the playoffs, watch all the "Dolfans" jump on board only to be disappointed once again and to return to their beaches and martinis
We are known to have one of the worst home field advantages in football...its no secret...but it wasn't always this way...we used to be one of the BEST.
We need a home game where the heat is a big factor seeing how our crowd is a nonfactor. The steelers game was cloudy with rain so we didn't have much of an advantage there.
It's funny cause I get excited from the get-go when I'm at a game and if I'm with my brother he's always telling me to calm down cause it's only the first quarter. As he says "we don't do that stuff around here in Miami".
I went to the Jets Sunday night game and my experience couldn't have been more different than the one presented by the OP. We were all standing and cheering.
Unfortunately we're the kings of fair-weather fans. If we make the playoffs, watch all the "Dolfans" jump on board only to be disappointed once again and to return to their beaches and martinis
Sorry, but living in the Tampa area, I can honestly say that they are the kings of fair weather fans. However, having said that, it seems that a lot of the more hard core Dolphins fans don't live in Miami. There seem to be a lot of transplants from other areas living in Miamian which I think could be a factor.
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