Assuming We Do Get Ricky Back | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Assuming We Do Get Ricky Back

at least if he makes it through one season, he may have a little more trade value than he would at the moment...hes such a waste though
finfan54 said:
Here is what I think would happen. Ricky's role reduced to backup smasher. Contract states that we forgive the 8.6 million but you are property of the Miami Dolphins for the next 2 years in a reduced role where you get payed minimum with incentives. Welcome Back Ricky! (as long as you get ready to play and keep pissing in a cup clean).

Maybe at the start he's a backup, but if he is playing hard he is one of the top 3 RB's in the league in my opinion. That means he has to be the starter. Saban needs to get this RW thing nailed quickly, before the draft. If RW does come back, we can still draft a back, but not with the number 2 pick. Perhaps somebody like Fason in Round 3, or Arrington. On the other hand, RW drags his feet and in a month or so we still don't know what he'll do, then we may have to go RB with the second pick.
claytonAndDuper said:
its not the point that he left the game, we as individuals can come and go as we please. barry sanders retired at the top of his game, thats not the issue. my side of the argument is the way he left, at the most inopportune time. he was the main cog in our offense we all know that. his leaving the way he did further compounded a horrible beginning to training camp and our season last year. i would not have a problem with ricky if he gave us ample time to replace him and retired mid offseason. walking away from the game for personal reasons, or so you can walk without 2 knee and hip replacements when your 50 is fine... but my problem is he didnt give us proper notice, kinda like when you leave a job you give your 2 weeks notice and such. he hung his team mates out to dry, he abadoned us all, as the first shot was about to be fired ( in a sense )

Thats not the only thing....
The drug issue cannot be ignored. You can debate the effects of marijuana use all you want, but the fact is that its a substance banned by the NFL. When he decided to play pro football he agreed to refrain from using the substances the NFL banned. Ricky had a choice to make. Smoke weed or play football. He chose weed.
Also, remember that throughout the entire saga of his retirement, Ricky has not once acknowledged that he did anything wrong. Not the use of marijuana, not the use of masking agents to hide that use and wrongfully remain in the NFL, not his retirement without notice, not his fighting to retain the money he agreed to give up if he retired, not his threat of using his children to shame the Dolphins into not trying to recover that money. Nothing.
Given that Ricky seems to honestly believe that he was right in everything he has done, whats to prevent him from doing it again?
phinman1 said:
Maybe at the start he's a backup, but if he is playing hard he is one of the top 3 RB's in the league in my opinion. That means he has to be the starter. Saban needs to get this RW thing nailed quickly, before the draft. If RW does come back, we can still draft a back, but not with the number 2 pick. Perhaps somebody like Fason in Round 3, or Arrington. On the other hand, RW drags his feet and in a month or so we still don't know what he'll do, then we may have to go RB with the second pick.

Even if Ricky is all gung-ho right now, the fact is that he cannot rejoin the Dolphins until July. That means through the draft, the remainder of free agency (including the June 1 cuts), and all the minicamps, we wouldnt know whether Ricky would be able to play or how well. To big of a risk. If Saban had intended to take a RB with the 2nd overall before all this Ricky stuff, then he would still need to take that RB at #2, Ricky or no Ricky.
Weed is not only banned from the NFL, but it is illegal in this country to use yet I bet Millions of people still use it and I bet very little go to jail for it. I can almost bet that if he comes back this year and Saban takes us to the Super Bowl with Ricky running people over and our WR's catching TD's that all the people that hate Ricky and don't want him back will be singing another tune. I for one am on the fence about the whole thing.

But to Saban's credit it would make a TON of sense to draft a playmaker at #2 or trade down a couple of spots and still get an offensive playmaker and pick up draft picks and then draft a RB later in the draft(Fason, Arrington, Barber, Harris) there are so many cause this draft is deep with RB's. You could have Ricky and a stud RB in the making behind Ricky. Then you don't have all your eggs in one basket. Analyst's say all the time that Fason needs time to be groomed, well what better way to groom him then behind one of the NFL's premier backs when he's at his best? We could also pick up Edwards or Williams and gees that offense looks really freakin scary to opposing D's and DC's. Lets be real the upside is there. Granted there is a downside. But you take care of that by drafting a guy like Fason or Arrington. Plus you still have your big WR weapons.

Mark my words. IF and only if Ricky comes back(who knows, I don't) and he performs and Fins go far into playoff's and look to be huge SB competitors this year or next. Ricky haters are singing new song.
Oh, and believe you me Saban will have Ricky's head on straight by the time he steps on the Field. Saban is an amazing coach, and everyone loves him. We aren't talking about Ricky coming back to play for Wanny here. This is NICK SABAN. Everyone wants to play for him. I'm sure Ricky can read. I bet he has internet, I bet he reads what people are saying about Saban. I bet he hears whats said about Saban on ESPN. Come on. Saban is a genius and wouldn't do anything to hurt this team. We have to know that. We have to trust Saban. I for one trust Saban and all the decisions he is making. Unlike how I felt whenever I heard things the DW did. I would always try and make excuses like, "Oh Gordon will be good, I'm telling you, he was the Rams best kept Secret!" Okay, maybe not to that extent. But every move he made I tried to back, and I'll tell you, DW is stupid compared to Saban. They are worlds apart. Remember Saban has been the most saught after coach in College for a couple of years now. We have him. Lets put some faith in St. Nick!

btw...... sorry for the two long posts back to back.
nando03 said:
Oh, and believe you me Saban will have Ricky's head on straight by the time he steps on the Field. Saban is an amazing coach, and everyone loves him. We aren't talking about Ricky coming back to play for Wanny here. This is NICK SABAN. Everyone wants to play for him. I'm sure Ricky can read. I bet he has internet, I bet he reads what people are saying about Saban. I bet he hears whats said about Saban on ESPN. Come on. Saban is a genius and wouldn't do anything to hurt this team. We have to know that. We have to trust Saban. I for one trust Saban and all the decisions he is making. Unlike how I felt whenever I heard things the DW did. I would always try and make excuses like, "Oh Gordon will be good, I'm telling you, he was the Rams best kept Secret!" Okay, maybe not to that extent. But every move he made I tried to back, and I'll tell you, DW is stupid compared to Saban. They are worlds apart. Remember Saban has been the most saught after coach in College for a couple of years now. We have him. Lets put some faith in St. Nick!

btw...... sorry for the two long posts back to back.

Not everyone loves saban. Read the posts from his former players...nearly all of them say.."if you are willing to give 100% and accept responsibility when you dont, then you will love Saban. If you arent willing to do that then you'll hate him."
Ricky is completely devoid of personal accountability. If he does decide to return (July is the earliest he can) and he shows up out of shape or struggles with the plays then Saban is going to get in his face. I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that at that point Ricky would suddenly have a revelation that he needs to return to his "search for the truth"
yankeehillbilly said:
Not everyone loves saban. Read the posts from his former players...nearly all of them say.."if you are willing to give 100% and accept responsibility when you dont, then you will love Saban. If you arent willing to do that then you'll hate him."
Ricky is completely devoid of personal accountability. If he does decide to return (July is the earliest he can) and he shows up out of shape or struggles with the plays then Saban is going to get in his face. I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that at that point Ricky would suddenly have a revelation that he needs to return to his "search for the truth"

This is a very good point. However some people who are jerks actually need this type of coach (and they know it). Look at Key in Dallas.
yankeehillbilly said:
Not everyone loves saban. Read the posts from his former players...nearly all of them say.."if you are willing to give 100% and accept responsibility when you dont, then you will love Saban. If you arent willing to do that then you'll hate him."
Ricky is completely devoid of personal accountability. If he does decide to return (July is the earliest he can) and he shows up out of shape or struggles with the plays then Saban is going to get in his face. I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that at that point Ricky would suddenly have a revelation that he needs to return to his "search for the truth"

I understand that Ricky won't be able to join the team or be on the field till July, but if you were about to join the Marines and you knew you were going to Boot Camp in July, would you sit around your house all day and eat donuts and do nothing, or would you get off your butt and start running and doing Situps and Pushups and Chin ups to get yourself as well prepaired as possible to go through the toughest thing you'll ever go through? I doubt it. I don't think that Saban is stupid and I don't think Ricky is THAT stupid. I'm sure Ricky knowing he will be back in July will be working out on his own. Not only that be he will have from July to after 4 game suspension to get in shape as well.

So I ask you, would you be trying to get in shape if you knew what was coming or would you not?

As for me, I'm an athlete, I play sports all year round. When I knew how TC was going to be in college nationally ranked in the top 10 at my sport when graduated HS, I didn't spend my entire summer laying in the sun and drinkin Corona's. I wish I could have, but I wasn't. I was busy working out with a buddy of mine who was going to the same school as me doing everything we could to run 2 miles in 12 minutes in 95 degree weather without puking.
And as far as the not liking Saban thing. I'm sure people who don't want to give 110% all the time don't like Saban cause Saban doesn't like them, and they think they are God's gift to the world. Like I said, I'm sure Saban will get Ricky's head screwed on straight before we see him trying anything crazy.
yankeehillbilly said:
Even if Ricky is all gung-ho right now, the fact is that he cannot rejoin the Dolphins until July. That means through the draft, the remainder of free agency (including the June 1 cuts), and all the minicamps, we wouldnt know whether Ricky would be able to play or how well. To big of a risk. If Saban had intended to take a RB with the 2nd overall before all this Ricky stuff, then he would still need to take that RB at #2, Ricky or no Ricky.

If RW gives this a go under the direction of Saban, he'll be in shape by July, then have over a month in camp. RB's need camp less than any other position. As for the risk, there isn't any. We are gonna draft a RB regardless of what Ricky does, everybody knows that. But if the RW thing is looking good, Saban will hedge his bet a little and draft one in the 3rd round, or even higher depending on what we do with Surtain. If it's looking bad, then get Brown.

Either way we have addressed the RB situation adequately. When RW was motivated in his first year with us, he was clearly the best back in football. Is it POSSIBLE that we could have that player with us again? Yes, and it's worth exploring heavily, which is what Saban is doing.
phinman1 said:
If RW gives this a go under the direction of Saban, he'll be in shape by July, then have over a month in camp. RB's need camp less than any other position. As for the risk, there isn't any. We are gonna draft a RB regardless of what Ricky does, everybody knows that. But if the RW thing is looking good, Saban will hedge his bet a little and draft one in the 3rd round, or even higher depending on what we do with Surtain. If it's looking bad, then get Brown.

Either way we have addressed the RB situation adequately. When RW was motivated in his first year with us, he was clearly the best back in football. Is it POSSIBLE that we could have that player with us again? Yes, and it's worth exploring heavily, which is what Saban is doing.

Thanks, very much so agree, similar to what I said as well.
ghostface95 said:
F*ck Ricky Williams

Leave His Punk Azz In Holistic School

Once A Quitter Always A Quitter

Trade His Rights To Someone Who'll Put Up With His Immature Bs.

Ronnie Brown Bandwagon Standing Strong For Me Since Late November!!!!
Will you still have that same opinion if he comes back and rushes for 1800 yds on 290 carries?
IF Ricky comes back, I am not the least bit worried about him getting in football shape and gaining 20-30 lbs. He is a special athlete and has the ability to do that.
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