Astro Body | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Astro Body


Practice Squad
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
WTF is an Astro Body??? Ricky Williams is a freak... or at least wants everyone to think he is a freak. Anyway, for those wondering WTF an Astro Body is, here you go...

What a freak. I don't want this guy in the State of Florida, let alone back on our team. He needs to be in an asylum, not learning how to administer Holistic Healing.

If he gets brought back, it better be so that we can trade him to the Raiders for a large pizza and a lifetime supply of light sabers... which is all we're gonna get, if that.
NY_FinFan_72 said:
WTF is an Astro Body??? Ricky Williams is a freak... or at least wants everyone to think he is a freak. Anyway, for those wondering WTF an Astro Body is, here you go...

What a freak. I don't want this guy in the State of Florida, let alone back on our team. He needs to be in an asylum, not learning how to administer Holistic Healing.

If he gets brought back, it better be so that we can trade him to the Raiders for a large pizza and a lifetime supply of light sabers... which is all we're gonna get, if that.

link didn't work
NY_FinFan_72 said:
WTF is an Astro Body??? Ricky Williams is a freak... or at least wants everyone to think he is a freak. Anyway, for those wondering WTF an Astro Body is, here you go...

What a freak. I don't want this guy in the State of Florida, let alone back on our team. He needs to be in an asylum, not learning how to administer Holistic Healing.

If he gets brought back, it better be so that we can trade him to the Raiders for a large pizza and a lifetime supply of light sabers... which is all we're gonna get, if that.

I couldn't find the reference to Astro Body at the website you referenced but I did find some info here
NY_FinFan_72 said:
Then again, maybe this is what he meant...

Or this:

Celtkin said:
I couldn't find the reference to Astro Body at the website you referenced but I did find some info here

"DISADVANTAGES: Astro Fight takes time to learn and master. It can also be physically draining if you go too far to fast. It can also be mentally draining if you are not psychically ready....."

I think old RW needs to stay away from anything mentally draining.... :)
It may have been a misunderstanding by Cole and RW was referring to his "astral body" - which, I think though, amounts to about the same thing as whatever we imagine his "astro body" to be. :lol:
Ricky doesnt have a mental problem, he just wanted to do wat he wanted and even though i was pissed off at him you all need to realize that he doesnt owe us anything. He is not a doll, he is a human and even though he maybe didnt care about the fins or the fans when he quit who cares. We dont need him to win, so stop talking about him.
I'm excited about this astro travel stuff!!
I'm making preparations to vist the Miami cheerleaders locker room as we speak. ;)
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