At first I was po'd but then... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

At first I was po'd but then...


Active Roster
Feb 6, 2004
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I started thinking about it. I am just as passionate a phin fan that ever lived and want the good ole days back asap but think about this. If my memory serves me correctly Cam had this same decision to make with another "Golden Boy" with a big name and he went in another direction then too. His name was Eli Manning and he went against all the pundits and yes, even Kiper, and went with a guy that had a wierd release and from a non-football powerhouse, NC State. His name is Phillip Rivers. The jury is still out on the "Golden Boy" Manning, but Rivers was the right choice for the Chargers. You don't hear the gurus saying anything now!

Cam also decided to go with another guy as his starter, that wasn't a prototype-sized QB, with a questionable arm and his name is Drew Brees. The guy was all-pro with Cam and was one of the best QB's in the league last year. Starting to see the picture? I trust that Cam and Mueller know exactly what they are doing by going against the grain on this one, and if Cam thought Quinn was the right choice for the Phins he would be here. They certainly had plenty of opportunities to look at him and so did another 15-20 teams that passed on him. Believe me, if anyone thought Quinn wopuld be the 2nd coming of Dan Marino he wouldn't have fallen so far. His body of work did not lead anyone in the top 20 of the draft to choose him, and I think they saw what Cam did. Cam chose the QB that was best for him and his system, and that was Beck.

I personally think that Kiper is a blowhard and I tend to listen to those guys who actually played the position of QB in the NFL. Guys like Phil Simms, Sean Salisbury, and Steve Young love Beck and have also questioned Quinn's accuracy, arm strength and decision making. That carries a lot more weight with me than what Kiper says.

As far as Ginn is concerned, he brings something Miami has not had in a very long time--an offensive weapon in the passing game and on special teams. If you listen to Cam's press conference he talks about finding guys that will help us now and I think Ginn will do just that. They will move him all over the field and he will be a nightmare for every defense to deal with. That should help open things up in the running game with Ronnie (and maybe Ricky) and in the passing game with Chambers. If Cam thinks Ginn is special I trust that he knows what he is talking about!

Remember, our personel decisions are no longer made by some guy with no NFL experience who did not use the resources he had at his disposal. Cam has lots of experience and success with QB's and offense in this league and he has a great relationship with his player personel guy. Let's see how this plays out, but my money is on Cam going with Ginn & Beck. (Sounds like a very tasty mixed drink to me!) :)
Your giving Cam too much credit. He was not the GM or the head coach in SD so he didn't make that call. If credit is due it would have to go to Marty Schottenheimer and or AJ Smith. As far as the decision of letting Brees go and keeping Rivers they would also take credit or blame.
Dont forget Booker... I think he is gonna be the sneaky pick that surprises everyone... I love the options he and Ginn give us, both with serious speed...
At first I was Shocked. I was completely thinking Brady quinn was ours.

But once the #40 pick happened my being upset started to turn to better things, and then we got Satele and then it was better even more. At this point I had figured out that Ginn at 9 really made it possible for us to get BEck at 40 because Kolb went at 36 and Brady quinn dropped poeple down a bit.

Beck to me is very intelligent and I think the kid could be the next Joe Montana if things go well for this team overall. The kid understands the game and has a great attitude and knows his stuff. I am very happy about him and Satele and even the kid Mormino from Central Michigan. I thought heavily about the stuff Cameron said about character and building a family environment and this draft certainly speaks to that with these Free Agents that have come in from Hawaii. I like it alot. The RB/FB Mauli really throws me for a loop but lets see him crunch some poeple first before we judge this pick.

Lorenzo Booker was also another one that had me scratchin my head but the kid is an upgrade over Sammy Morris and faster. Backup on special teams returning maybe too. I am quite happy today coming from complete insanity and being ready to commit suicide.
Actually, the Charges drafted Manning, but he said he would sit out rather than play for them. Thats when the trade was made with the Giants, that sent them Rivers, and the following years 1st rd pick.
Is there any proof that Cam had input in the selections of Brees or Rivers ?

And I wouldn't trust Sean Salisbury's opinions over that of a dead dog.
Your giving Cam too much credit. He was not the GM or the head coach in SD so he didn't make that call. If credit is due it would have to go to Marty Schottenheimer and or AJ Smith. As far as the decision of letting Brees go and keeping Rivers they would also take credit or blame.

I don't know if I buy that Cam wasn't in on the SD QB calls. He was there QB expert as well. Do you really think he just said "Whatever you want Marty?"?
I really doubt you can give any credit to Cam for the way the Rivers thing turned out.

I'm kinda tired of seeing people approach the disapointment by the fans as they (we) hate Ginn and Beck. I like Beck. I have no problem with Beck. I think Ginn was simply drafted at the wrong time and still could be a good NFL player...maybe we stole Beck at 40. Beck has the tools to be an NFL Quarterback.

Did we really need a PR/KR at #9?


I'm just pizzed that its another case of drafting against the odds and I'm kinda of tired of drafting one-guy off who we should of or drafting that guy who is injured in thoughts he will be a steal, when he hasn't been yet.
I like what Cam says about "we now have 5 downs on offense".

Everytime the opposition punts or kicks Ginn will touch the ball and give us that "5th Down" of offense. Everytime Ginn is back there waiting for a punt or running a "go route" on third and five there is going to be a collective energy in Dolphins Stadium that something big may be about to happen.

When was the last time we had that feeling?

How long have we been watching BORING Miami football??

Ginn will transform this offense.

Just watch.
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