At least we get our stadium back for the pat's game | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

At least we get our stadium back for the pat's game

Untrue, there will be as many Pat fans or more than the Jets game. Saw it the last two years at the home games. No reason why it would change now.
I hate the fact that there were so many Jets fans at the game along with possibly the same amount at the Pats game. We need to make sure we out number the opposing teams fans. Its a home game for God's sake
As long as I don't hear a P-A-T-S pats pats pats cheer on my TV Monday night I'm happy.
I was at the game and there were a far less amount if Jets fans this year then in years past. The reason you hear the JETS JETS JETS chant on TV is because the NFL wants the Jets to win. They have been pushing it since before the season started. They put the microphones next to the group of Jets fans so it sounds like there are a lot of them.
25,000 Jets fans? Talk about overexaggerating. When this team is GOOD or have high expectations, Dolphin fans pack that stadium. Of course you are going to have more Jets fans than you would other teams because there are alot of Jets fans in South Florida . . . but there wasn't no 25,000 Jets fans in that stadium.
I agree with you dfan227.

If any of you were at the game, you would have realized that there were not that many Jets fan there. Prob. less than 10,000. We dolfans totally outnumbered the jets fans and those chants you hear were J E T S suck suck suck. I haven't missed a home game in over 5 years and there was probably the less Jets fans than the previous years. The only complaint i have is that our fans need to learn when and when not to cheer!!! Why are we loud when the Dolphins are in the red zone!!!! That being said, Im really looking foward to the monday night game!!! GO PHINS!!!!
At least there arent that many N.E. Fans in miami like the knuckle dragging snaggel toothed jets fans! Must have been 25K Jets fans there.

10k is more in the ball park. I actually didn't see that many Jets fans this time around, but been to plenty of games to know there is hardly 25k that show up. It doesn't take 25k to start a chant.
I was at the game and there were a far less amount if Jets fans this year then in years past. The reason you hear the JETS JETS JETS chant on TV is because the NFL wants the Jets to win. They have been pushing it since before the season started. They put the microphones next to the group of Jets fans so it sounds like there are a lot of them.

Right? Along with that Saints/Jets commercial they play all the time, hardknocks, the coverage they get. The NFL is rigged.
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