At what point did this franchise go wrong? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

At what point did this franchise go wrong?


Go Fins
Oct 10, 2001
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At what point did this franchise go wrong? I think it started before Dave became coach. In Marino's last 2 or 3 seasons, I wanted us to draft a good QB to learn from him. We never did that, and QB is still a question. Imagine if some of Jimmy's wasted picks at RB would have been spent on a future QB.
Its an interesting question.I probably should think about it a little bit more but the first idea that popped into my head is that the decline began when the ownership changed hands.Remember Shula's last year when he was pressured to change what came natural to him in an effort to win fast.All those expensive FA big name washouts.
CrunchTime said:
Its an interesting question.I probably should think about it a little bit more but the first idea that popped into my head is that the decline began when the ownership changed hands.Remember Shula's last year when he was pressured to change what came natural to him in an effort to win fast.All those expensive FA big name washouts.
Good one. I can see that.
You can bring up many things, going back for 20 years. If I was to pick one thing however, it would be never really understanding the role of an voice in the organization independent from the coach. The Dolphins never replaced Bobby Beatherd, who succeeded Joe Thomas as a pretty good judge of talent. After he left, and did subsequent good works in Washington and San Diego, far too much power became concentrated in the head coach, a arrangement which Huzienga became too comfortable in.
I agree Scrap. JJ was masterful on the defensive side, all but ignored the offense.

John Avery ? Abdul-Jabbar ? Cecil ? JJJ ?

I mean can anybody remember a good offensive pick he made ?
When Wayne failed to exert his influence to have the likes of LeBetard and Salguero fired.
Not replacing Beathard...

began the process, but hiring Jimma was the crowbar that started the house falling. He was hired on a reputation built on a whole slew of draft picks he got in the Walker trade. Any adequately qualified coach with the sense to pound sand could have succeeded with that bonus. Jimmy is a good coach, but he's nowhere near the same league as Halas, Lombardi, Landry, Knoll, or Shula, and I hate to say this moment... Bellichek... Oy, did that hurt or what? He ruined the close of Dan's career, and he left us with the .... ah.... mess.. that has to be cleaned up now. :mad:
Shula hanging on 2 or 3 years too long.
Without a doubt, Hiring Jimmy. I dont see why he gets such a pass. He didnt accomplish anything more than dave did. Forced Dan to play in an offense that was completely against his strengths and drafted poorly. Quit on us twice and then gave his friend the job no matter who was available.
I think it was with the Jimmy Johnson hiring. As Superfin34 said, he forced Dan to play in an offense that wasn't catered to his strengths and when Dan didn't do a good job, instead of catering the offense to the team strengths he quit. The biggest sign of a good coach to me is someone who can design the offense and defense to fit the teams strengths. Jimmy never did that he wanted to do things the way they did things in Dallas but the problem was Miami didn't have the offensive personnel to do that. Jimmy took this team down with that and by bringing Wannstedt in to be his successor.
Scrap said:
At what point did this franchise go wrong? I think it started before Dave became coach. In Marino's last 2 or 3 seasons, I wanted us to draft a good QB to learn from him. We never did that, and QB is still a question. Imagine if some of Jimmy's wasted picks at RB would have been spent on a future QB.
When Wayne let the man who just handed him Miami worst ever defeat and a man who quit once before to name who the next Miami HC was. Then Wayne gives this man the same power JJ had. After already proving in Chicago that he simply could not do the latter of the two jobs.
My initial thoughts are after the season when Lamar Smith ran for 200+ yards against the colts in the playoffs. That season we had a solid O Line and really average talent at the offensive skill positions.

The next season we started shipping away an OLine we had been trying to build for a couple of seasons. Once we started dismantling that OLine it was down hill. Despite the one good season Ricky had running in his first year here.

Maybe this jumps out at me because of our terrible woes at that position currently.
finjim said:
I agree Scrap. JJ was masterful on the defensive side, all but ignored the offense.

John Avery ? Abdul-Jabbar ? Cecil ? JJJ ?
Those picks prove he did not ignore the offense. His picks just failed.

finjim said:
I mean can anybody remember a good offensive pick he made ?
Nope, but he had some so saying he ignored the O is not accurate.

I guess you were too busy screaming at the TV wanting him to draft Moss to notice these failed picks. :D
Scrap said:
Imagine if some of Jimmy's wasted picks at RB would have been spent on a future QB.
Just wondering. Have you ever checked to see what QB JJ might have passed on that has been successful in the NFL?
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