Athletes make me sick!!!!!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Athletes make me sick!!!!!!!

Butterfrog 2.0

Pro Bowler
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
whining about every damn thing.........Gimme a break!!!! WTF do they really seriously have to complain about??? You know how many thousands upon thousands probably even millions of people would LOVE to be in any of their shoes........I'm really sick of these overpaid athletes with their million dollar homes, and cars decked out with more accesories that total more than what most of our houses are worth whining, complaining, bitching, moaning and groaning about nonsense!!!!!!! Like how they're not getting the ball enough, or how they're unhappy with where they are, or they're not getting enough recignition(that multi million dollar signing bonus wasn't enough recignition for you A**Hole???????) I think the salary caps in every sport should be no more than $60,000 per player........Then I could understand the guy who complains who's busting his *** off and only making around $23,000. There are a lot, A LOT of other jobs out there that are much harder, and much more important than what these guys are doing and they're not getting paid 1/10th of an NFL salary
These guys need to just SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!!!!
I would be mad too if i had the talent of marty booker, or chris chambers, and never got a chance to prove what i can do.
Ey, man...It's a team concept. And right now this team isn't doing what they need to do to win. Chambers is one of our most dangerous threats and we all know that and Chambers also knows that. If your team isn't doing what they should be doing in order to win and coaching staff is only holding the team back by not throwing this guy the ball it's dam frustrating. It's not like he's just saying that HE doesn't get the ball enough, it's that this coaching staff limits itself and the team by not utilizing some of the best talent we have which would ultimately help us win every week. The Vikings have Randy Moss and they use him every week as a big part of their offense. If they don't like last week he was hurt, then they most likely will lose.
The Eagles Have to use Terrel Owens cause he's their best playmaker... And he's making a difference over there. WE have an Owens caliber player in Chambers and he's got all the right to feel the way he does.
Complain all you will, but there is a reason they are where they are and you are where you are. An athelete isnt born, he is created, and it takes a hell of a lot of determination and desire to reach the point these guys have. I played in high school and saw the amount of effort put into training by those who had aspirations of playing at the college level and it was tremendous. Most put in 8 years of semi-pro football before making it to the nfl. Then the majority manage to play pro for a few years at a few mil a year. So they have spent their whole lifetimes and manage a few years of fame and some money. Dont belittle what these guys put into their jobs to earn that money.
outlawd2u said:
whining about every damn thing.........Gimme a break!!!! WTF do they really seriously have to complain about??? You know how many thousands upon thousands probably even millions of people would LOVE to be in any of their shoes........I'm really sick of these overpaid athletes with their million dollar homes, and cars decked out with more accesories that total more than what most of our houses are worth whining, complaining, bitching, moaning and groaning about nonsense!!!!!!! Like how they're not getting the ball enough, or how they're unhappy with where they are, or they're not getting enough recignition(that multi million dollar signing bonus wasn't enough recignition for you A**Hole???????) I think the salary caps in every sport should be no more than $60,000 per player........Then I could understand the guy who complains who's busting his *** off and only making around $23,000. There are a lot, A LOT of other jobs out there that are much harder, and much more important than what these guys are doing and they're not getting paid 1/10th of an NFL salary
These guys need to just SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!!!!
Another outstanding post by the outlaw!

First of all - who are you referring to? What moaning and groaning and by whom?

Second - what is all this whining about $$$$ about? Do you think there is any difference with corporate executives, lawyers, politicians, doctors, etc. - plus the athletes only make the big bucks for a short time!

Vent all you want while flipping hamburgers at McDonalds for $1.29 an hour, but I think that pro athletes have coupled God-given talent with a work ethic that entitles them to big bucks if they can buck the odds of making it to the pros. My only problem is with the ones with the attitudes - T.O. comes to mind - not with the competitive ones that want to be more involved and contribute more, and are unhappy with the farce of a system that the Dolphins now have!
outlawd2u said:
Then I could understand the guy who complains who's busting his *** off and only making around $23,000. There are a lot, A LOT of other jobs out there that are much harder, and much more important than what these guys are doing and they're not getting paid 1/10th of an NFL salary
These guys need to just SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!!!!
If you want to end football...

There are plenty of other jobs in this country that you will get more than 23,000 a year.. Not to mention the fact that you wouldnt have to be constantly traveling and be away from your family..

So why would some people even play football if you could make more money in a much less hostile job??
Ferretsquig said:
Complain all you will, but there is a reason they are where they are and you are where you are. An athelete isnt born, he is created, and it takes a hell of a lot of determination and desire to reach the point these guys have. I played in high school and saw the amount of effort put into training by those who had aspirations of playing at the college level and it was tremendous. Most put in 8 years of semi-pro football before making it to the nfl. Then the majority manage to play pro for a few years at a few mil a year. So they have spent their whole lifetimes and manage a few years of fame and some money. Dont belittle what these guys put into their jobs to earn that money.
That's only partially true. The training is necessary to take them to the next level, but genetics is the base of their foundation. It's no coincidence that you get brothers both playing in the NFL, or father/son combinations.
1 word- Sprewell!

How can I feed my family with that money?? What you can't feed your family with a 27 million 3 year contract???

How can I play hard and try and win a championship with that kind of money???

There are way to many @$$es in sports!!!
pwn3dyo said:
I would be mad too if i had the talent of marty booker, or chris chambers, and never got a chance to prove what i can do.
I agree. I really sympathize with any player caught on this 2004 team, first sold down the river by the owner keeping the coach, then kicked in the butt while they were down by their so-called teammate and friend, RW. But I don't like whining athletes either. Maybe they should whine to their owner?
only thing that makes me sick is kobe's total contract is worth more than the TOTAL payroll of most pro sports teams

23,000? ok thats a little extreme. But when they make 20 million a year, thats a little too much. I love the salary cap, I wish baseball had one. But then again theres nothing better than seeing the 185+ million yankees lose in the playoffs this year and again and again and again!
If i was chambers, i would be complaining. Excellent TO analogy in Philly. We have talent wasting away because fiedlers throwing wobbling ducks to them and our FO flat out blows.
Like Terrell Owens, whose talent was being wasted...I support Chambers 100%.

If you're not gonna give him the ball, TRADE HIM to a team that will.
X-Con said:
Like Terrell Owens, whose talent was being wasted...I support Chambers 100%.

If you're not gonna give him the ball, TRADE HIM to a team that will.
You see, here is the problem. He is signed, which he signed after Ricky was gone! The offensive line would not let any QB throw the ball! So he needs to say he is upset about the team not doing well, not I'm not getting the ball!

He needs to wait until real football people come in and get him the ball next year! This just makes people think he is only thinking about himself!
If Chambers wants the damn ball then shut up and get open..give the QB confidence in you that you will get open.. Maybe Chambers should adjust to the blitz.. realize that defenses are loading up the box and taking our QB's heads off... Maybe he should adjust his route and become a target,, like great recievers.. instea of bitching... but when a commentator on TV saying the pocking is collapsing, and the QB has no-where to throw the ball.. it makes me think that Chambers and Booker should be leaders on the field instead of in the papers andbe apart of the solution.. instead of the problem.. As far as I know they win and lose as a team. maybe we'd have a decent running back with EVERYONE HELD THEIR BLOCKS. See the way they run the ball in Denver.. Man hats off to those WR who chip in and make a few blocks.
Chambers should just shut up and play. Losing sucks.. yea.. we know
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