Athlon MAgazine says...... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Athlon MAgazine says......


Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
Dolphins Stadium/Montreal
We will finish the year 3-13 and Saban will make a playoff push 2008, thus saying that they predict the Bills 11-5 and making playoffs, and saying Jp 'Loser" Losman will succeed as the Qb "of the future" for the Bills. All i have to say is Everyone is underestimating us cuz we had 1 bad year, time to prove those critics wrong, Go Fins GO

3-13, these guys must hate Saban because we finished better under wanny/Bates.
I just dont get it. Are these people even looking at our roster? Can not wait until the season starts. I really get mad when we get no respect.
beejay05 said:
I just dont get it. Are these people even looking at our roster? Can not wait until the season starts. I really get mad when we get no respect.

Not me, I just point at them and laugh.

Because, just like you said...Have they even looked at our roster? Nope. They are going strictly by last year's results.

And didn't you hear? Nick Saban is a former college coach, so he's another Steve Spurrier, right?
what a joke...last year everything went started with ricky retiring and snowballed...i would think these guys would take that into account...a new coaching staff alone should get us to at least 8-8...i have been saying 10-6 and im sticking to it...
I think it's good we are getting no respect. If anything it pisses off the players and coaches and gives them something to prove. Why even bother with predictions you get real respect when you win ball games not when you look good on paper.
Real Simple.......Go to Vegas and bet $5000 on Miami winning over 5.5 games and laugh your way to the bank and at the Predictors!
can i say, for the record right now, that i think JP is going to a good NFL quarterback... he worries me quite a bit
Sports magazines are nice but they don't hold up well in the rain.
rainmaker1313 said:
Real Simple.......Go to Vegas and bet $5000 on Miami winning over 5.5 games and laugh your way to the bank and at the Predictors!

Is that the line in Vegas? I'd take that bet in a second.
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