Awesome article on how Fin's 70's OL was built | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Awesome article on how Fin's 70's OL was built


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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'72 Dolphins were at center of controversy unfotunately, though the timing is right it w/b a stretch to compare the Langer decision over DeMarco to that of starting Nails and moving Dixon to LT. Think Wise went to Wanne and said "if I have to coach an OL w/Spriggs or Smith at LT, I quit. Either move Dixon to LT or find a new OL coach." :shakeno:
Doubtful, Tony Wise was against the move of Dixon to LT. He would have preferred to just try and coach up Smith or Spriggs.

But I just can't believe how ahead of his time Clark really was. I wonder if today's coaches are even that thorough with their offensive line. Do you think Tony Wise does that sort of thing? Maybe he should...
at least reading that picking up cast offs like Nails and Dixon makes you feel better. Maybe there will be another HOF sitting on the waiver wire in a couple of weeks :rolleyes:

Amazing job of accessing talent getting Langer, Kuechenberg and Wayne Moore - 3 out of 5 of the greatest OL ever - off waivers or as FAs
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