Baltimore jumping into Boston sweepstakes | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Baltimore jumping into Boston sweepstakes

They wont pursue him since he will most likely be a Dolphin by monday.. The Ravens are waiting out to see if TO will stay a Raven or not.
Hopefully this Boston deal gets done fast. As far as Baltimore, I don't think they'll have Owens much longer.
Owens will be a raven...they do not want to set a precedent that says that "deadlines don't matter" me...........All Judges are anal about "deadlines".....

Also think of the unfairness of TO getting to go UFA...and Dennis Northcutt just sitting there........

TO will lose.....time for him to size up that #81 Ravens jersey.
Originally posted by Section126
Owens will be a raven...they do not want to set a precedent that says that "deadlines don't matter" me...........All Judges are anal about "deadlines".....

Also think of the unfairness of TO getting to go UFA...and Dennis Northcutt just sitting there........

TO will lose.....time for him to size up that #81 Ravens jersey.

A ruling in favor of TO would create chaos in free agency and loopholes........I don't think the NFL is prepared for that.
No chance TO wins the case. The players union is only representing him because they have to, not because they want to.
The judge may go with TO because they changed the dates on him & his agent. If that happens then I'm sure Northcutt will follow suit.
basically, no rules were broken, the eagles arent even complaining. Only TO because he thinks he should be an FA..he'll still be a raven unless they can trade him to someone else, otherwise he'll sit out the season.

the Players Union doesn't have a leg to stand on... heres a good run down from an espn article.

The hearing figures to be a tough session for the NFL Players Association, which finds itself in the middle of defending the actions of a player who isn't exactly the poster boy they would choose to promote, and an agent who apparently couldn't handle affairs for essentially the only NFL client he represents. If special master Stephen Burbank asks NFLPA attorneys Richard Berthelsen and Jeffrey Kessler if the union informed agent Dave Joseph of the change in date for voiding the final three years of Owens' contract, and they confirm notification was dispatched by fax, the case would seem a slam-dunk in favor of the San Francisco 49ers. After all, NFLPA executive director Gene Upshaw said in an interview this week that, not only was Joseph notified, but that the union possesses a receipt for the fax sent to him. Should Berthelsen or Kessler deny such notification was faxed to Owens' agent, well, that's tantamount to suggesting Upshaw is a liar. Of course, the NFLPA will attempt to argue that Owens fulfilled the void stipulations merely by reaching the performance standards stipulated in his contract which granted him the right to expunge the final three seasons of the deal. But there were other league players with similar conditions in their contracts, and with similar opt-out clauses, who understood that the void date had changed and who met the deadline. So it would appear that the union, which basically is compelled to represent Owens even if it doesn't believe in the strength of his case, is on pretty shaky ground. Then again, one never wants to guess about the rulings of arbitrators or special masters in such circumstances, because they often view the circumstances in a different light. The consensus opinion around the NFL remains, though, that Burbank will uphold the 49ers and rule valid the trade that sent Owens to the Baltimore Ravens.
SMad, I friggin got chills when I saw your new sig.

That is awesome. Isn't it great to have Sammy back? I love good ole' #29.
Boston will play for us. They're just working on the bonus thing and such. BTW, the hell with TO and the ravens for that matter.

Ozzy rules!!
That's league rhetoric. Owens contract is 1 of 2 made before the CBA, and his agent had specific wording in it that he'd be able to void out March 3rd? Or 2nd, can't remember on that 1.

Its a unique situation.
The Ravens have 9.74 million under the cap. It appears that they do have money under the cap, although i hope he becomes a fin of course. I just hope he leaves his extra luggage in San Diego because we dont need a player whos going to come in here and complain about not getting his catches.

Think about it, Randy Mchmichael, Chris Chambers, David Boston, Darius Thompson, Donald Lee..... as joey would say in BLOSSOM ....WOW.....
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