Barry Jackson update on Dion Jordan | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Barry Jackson update on Dion Jordan


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Dec 29, 2010
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Davie, FL
### According to a club source, the Dolphins will give thought to keeping suspended Dion Jordan in 2016 and aren’t actively trying to collect signing bonus money from him even though he’s suspended for all of 2015 after violating the league’s drug policy because of a diluted test.

And we now know why Jordan did not participate in Miami’s offseason program: According to an NFL spokesman, league rules say players who already have been suspended for the following season cannot participate in any offseason activities, including OTAs and minicamp. By rule, Jordan's interaction with the team is limited to weekly contact with Kaleb Thornhill, the Dolphins’ director of player engagement.

I still think he won't wear a Dolphin unifrom again. It's a shame that trade didn't work out so we would have at least got something for him.
There is no benefit for the team, cap or otherwise, to do anything before next year.
Ok, so... glass half full. He may still be able to bring something to the team in 2016.

Man, would it be great if he got his **** together and played to his potential....
He is a bust. Cut his ass and move on.
Thanks Jeff.
You are using reasoned, logical and unbiased analysis. That doesn't always play well with some members.Some prefer to carry pitchforks
The thing I can't stand about this guy is he always seems to have a I don't give a ****, I don't want to be here attitude.
Does anyone know the situation on his salary in his final contract year? And I'm wondering if there are any clauses in the contract that speak to suspension etc. that would null and void or impact significantly on the numbers?
By the time he gets his chit together he'll be 30 and too old to become an NFL player.
I don't ever want to hear this losers name again. Sick and tired of this worthless clown even being on the team. Vocally hated the pick from day one. Having said that.....No real reason to cut him if we don't really benefit from a financial standpoint. There is a very small chance he still produces at some point.
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