:hump: I have been a fin fan since 1972, Black female, most of the people who post on here weren't even born yet. I'm from Rochester, NY , close to Buffalo and Syracuse, and i must say, yes the brass has lose their ass the past years, no ? But here come Gase give him a chance, i see all these negative posts , and i must say i really like what they have done thus far, Hell last year this time, miami only signed Suh and he was supposed to be the answer, with a medicore coach in philbin, the D simply quit. Ok now Suh has restuctured and so has jordan. Wake looks to stay and i will feel bad if miller walks, but RB's are a dime a dozen this year.
Defense wins Championships, (Denver proved that ) and offense wins games.. I love the direction that Gase, Joseph are going. People keep harping on Tbomb, how much influence do you think Joseph and Gase have had on these decisions. I dont give a dam about big names, and i appreicate the direction this team is going. So for all you young bloods, " who i know will have something to say" negativatity always wants company, just wait and see....
Defense wins Championships, (Denver proved that ) and offense wins games.. I love the direction that Gase, Joseph are going. People keep harping on Tbomb, how much influence do you think Joseph and Gase have had on these decisions. I dont give a dam about big names, and i appreicate the direction this team is going. So for all you young bloods, " who i know will have something to say" negativatity always wants company, just wait and see....