Bears @ Fins 1985 - Crowd Noise | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bears @ Fins 1985 - Crowd Noise


Sheffield Fin
Mar 9, 2006
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Sheffield UK
Currently watching Bears @ Miami from 1985 I think. They were 13-0 coming into the game.

In the first quarter the crowd noise was really really loud, and the referee kept letting Chicago just wait for it to quieten down.

Surely that's the whole point of a home advantage. Has things changed now or are teams still allowed to just be cry babies and whinge about the amount of noise?

Anyone go to that game and remember it?
Please don't tell me how it ends by the way

you seriously don't know how it ends? - wow - wish i could see that game again for the first time - i remember, calling in sick and subsequently getting fired from my first real job for that one
I remebmber my Dad who is and original Finfan letting me stay up with him and watch that Monday Night game with him. I was only 10 years old at the time and I can remeber we made so much noise downstairs cheering for the Fins we woke everyone else up. I also remeber my Dad calling in sick for work the next day and he talked my Mom into letting me stay home from school that day too. I really owe Dad for that one, Great Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Currently watching Bears @ Miami from 1985 I think. They were 13-0 coming into the game.

In the first quarter the crowd noise was really really loud, and the referee kept letting Chicago just wait for it to quieten down.

Surely that's the whole point of a home advantage. Has things changed now or are teams still allowed to just be cry babies and whinge about the amount of noise?

Anyone go to that game and remember it?

That game was at the Orange Bowl, you used to have an amazing homefield advantage there. There are less seats and it was always full and loud. Now you have a great, newer Stadium but you lost some of the advantages you had.
I was only 4 at the time....but remember last season when the Dolphins beat the undefeated Bears???

I'd had a Dolphins credit card for about 7 yrs and not a single person ever said anything about it until they beat the Bears last year. The day after, I was in a restaurant back in Chicago and the manager comes over with my CC (i'm thinking, uhhh declined?), but no he says "Sorry, we dont accept Dolphins credit cards." Obviously he was joking and it was all in fun. Good times.
My favorite all time Dolphin game.There was so much anticipation and excitement before the game you could feel it in the air.

All the 72 old timers were there cheering the team on.Shula had the perfect game plan for the Bears and we matched up well against them.

Sorry for the spoiler but we lost.:boohoo:

I was at the game and yes the crowd noise was deafening as it was in most of the Dolphins BIG games. But particularly that game because the Fins 17-0 record was at stake. All the players from the 1972 were on the sideline urging the team to victory. It was definitely a CLASSIC. Plus Marino's brilliance punched holes in the Bears invincible defense.
I was 14 and still remember that game like it was yesterday. I remember the look on Ditka's face. Nothing they did that night worked defensively and we played the game of our lives. Too bad we lost to the Patriots in the AFC Championship game or else I think we'd have beaten Chicago again in the Super Bowl. I agree, my all time favorite Dolphins game.
It's like all the old timers remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when JFK was shot. I remember even the linoleum pattern of the floor of the place where I watched the game. I can close my eyes and I'm there. It was that night that I realized beyond doubt that Marino was a football god, that the Miami Dolphins are the greatest sports franchise ever to exist, and that Fin fans are superhuman. Everybody in the house was on his feet dancing and screaming in front of the TV for a large part of the game. Once, the broadcast team went silent so the whole world could hear the crowd noise. It was downright intimidating; a force of nature, like angry surf breaking on a rocky coast.

That game is one memory I'll always remember vividly.

My dad hadn't been to a game since the early 70's and I bought tix and invited him down to see it.
Could'nt have choses a better one.

Half the undefeated 72 team was there on the sidelines.
The crowd noise was deafening.

The part I remember most was the Bears bringing McMahon off the bench (he had been injured the week before I think and didn't start) to "spark their offense". The crowd in the closed endzone (where we were sitting) got even louder. It got so loud that my ears literally hurt. Mcmahon took a delay of game penalty while he begged for the refs to tell the crowd to settle down.
Then the crowd really got into it. :lol:

First snap from McMahon and he's sacked!
The place went nuts.

Great game.

The Orange Bowl was a great football stadium.
It didn't have anything on the luxury side but you could not ask for a better football venue for real fans.

The stands close to the field, steep grade, metal infrastructure made noise even louder. Ticket prices were also in check back then so the avg. fan and family could actually go.

We will unfortunately never have that type of Home Field advantage again.
Shame..... Damn shame.
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