Benoit toxicology report is in... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Benoit toxicology report is in...


just a little cattywampus
Dec 12, 2003
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Charleston, SC
no link because i was watching the press conference on FNC.

Daniel Benoit was sedated with Xanax prior to being suffocated by his father.

Chris Benoit had "elevated" testosterone levels but no other steroids were found in his system.

Nancy Benoit had three drugs in her system at the time of her death, one was a derivitive of hydrocodone, but all were at levels consistent with prescription use from what i understood.

the M.E. disagreed with the frequent media questions about testosterone being the culprit, and causing "roid rage."

after the press conference, FNC had a doctor on who disagreed with the M.E. and stated it is possible that elevated testosterone levels can lead to depression, and fits of rage.
in regard to Daniel being sedated, the doctor on FNC after the press conference also stated that he has seen this circumstance before, where a parent intent on "eradicating" his entire family would sedate the children prior to murdering them, because; "after all, they are parents."

Benoit’s body contained elevated levels of testosterone, which appeared to have been injected, as well as the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and the painkiller hydrocodone, according to a statement from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The GBI said Benoit tested negative for alcohol.
in regard to Daniel being sedated, the doctor on FNC after the press conference also stated that he has seen this circumstance before, where a parent intent on "eradicating" his entire family would sedate the children prior to murdering them, because; "after all, they are parents."

TV doctors are just that, paid to say what the netowrk wants them too. I see these reports and what leaps out at me is what I have been saying all along, the guy went nuts and kille dhis family. These outside influences who have suggestd a roid rage or something similar have pretty much bene proven wrong and now need to scramble to cover their butts.

If I was the WWE, I hold this up right now and say see, it wasn't steroids, our testing policy works and everyone else can stick it.

A lot of talking heads will be dissapointed in the findings today as their theories are now bunk. I expect some coverage tonight and then for this whole story to be swept away without much of a mention.
WWE drug policy is a joke and when WWE employees do get caught doing drugs the punishment is even more of a joke
WWE drug policy is a joke and when WWE employees do get caught doing drugs the punishment is even more of a joke

Kurt Angle the #2 or #3 guy in the whole company was FIRED for failing drug tests.

Jeff Hardy was released a few years back over it.

The test and punishment is no joke!!!
if you look at the policy, the WWE's policy is actualy more strict than the olympic testing policy. The thing is, there are huge loop holes. ie. ou can faila test, but ifyou show a valid perscription for whatever you tested positive for the test is thrown away.

But I think it should hae been obvious that this was not steroids, people just wanted to jump the gun (especially since a lot of people hat the WWE)
Chris Benoit had "elevated" testosterone levels but no other steroids were found in his system.

he had an anabolic in his system.

Pro wrestler Chris Benoit had a steroid and other drugs in his system when he killed his wife and young son last month and hanged himself in the family's home, investigators said Tuesday.

Benoit's body contained 10 times the normal level of testosterone, as well as amounts of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and the painkiller hydrocodone, authorities said.

The testosterone, a synthetic version of the primary male sex hormone, is considered an anabolic steroid. The state's top medical examiner said it appeared to have been injected shortly before Benoit died.
Kurt Angle the #2 or #3 guy in the whole company was FIRED for failing drug tests.

Jeff Hardy was released a few years back over it.

The test and punishment is no joke!!!

No Kurt Angle and the company had a mutal understanding and he would have never been released had they known he was gunna sign with TNA. Jeff Hardy was resigned. There policy is a joke
No Kurt Angle and the company had a mutal understanding and he would have never been released had they known he was gunna sign with TNA. Jeff Hardy was resigned. There policy is a joke

This is flat out wrong. Of course they wouldn't have flat out released him without a no compete had they known he would not get help, and go to TNA. But he was released with the understanding that he was going to get help, and return in better shape. What they would have done probably, is made him keep the contract, and suspend him for a lengthy time, and probably fine him a large amount of money.

But they did release him, call it a mutual understanding if you wish, but he was released. The fact remains that due to his drug use, narcotic and steroid, he was no longer welcome to perform in the WWE.

Jeff Hardy was resigned after he had cleaned himself up, and regained his passion.

This has been said [SIZE=-1]ad nauseam. The drug policy at this point, and for the last probably 2-3 years has been better than ever, and better than any wrestling promotion EVER. Every system has faults, and every system could use improvement, but it is clear they have been relentless in constantly making improvements to their system....[/SIZE]
Jeff Hardy was re-signed some 2-3 years later

Angle was let go because he failed 2 drug tests. Wouldn't go to re-hab. WWE thought he was on the verge of death!! Not wanting another death on their watch so soon after the Eddie death, they let him go! Hence. THEY FIRED HIM!

And you ignore the 3 guys they pulled off a PPV the Friday before the Sunday PPV
I don't ignore anything, But just cause they pull a couple of guys of shows does not mean alot. Also look at Sabu and RVD who were caught with pot and pretty much nothing was done. Randy Orton failed a drug test and was sent home for a short time and came right back. There policy is a joke to me and it needs to improve a great deal!
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