Bernard Hopkins v. Jermain Taylor | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bernard Hopkins v. Jermain Taylor

taylor with an uppercut.

Good round.
I'll go on record. If Hopkins wins the next two rounds, he wins the fight.
Those were two big right hands by Hopkins. Could have been real trouble.
Hopkins landing. He's coming on. taylor isn't throwing as much as he was.
Big right hook by Hopkins. Then he slips in the water.
another left by Hopkins. Right hook by Hoppkins. taylor aylor. to the body. Left hook by Taylor. Hopkins has him hurt. They're really trading.
tAYLOR RECOVERS. Good round. Hopkins gets that one for me.

The 12th will decide it.
round 11

good round for hopkins. 7-4 taylor. taylor is almost out of gas.
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