Best Seat in Sun Life Stadium Advice | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Best Seat in Sun Life Stadium Advice


Pro Bowler
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
Going to Miami to see the Ravens get spanked by our Phins. I'm looking at seats in the lower levels sections 113-115 and I'm just curious what rows does it become too close to see all the action. I figure anything below row 20 becomes a nuisance?

I know that's the visitor side but tickets on that side are cheaper.

Also, any tips or advice on what to do at the stadium before, during, or after the game to make the most out of the experience? Shops, Marino statue, etc?

Thx, I appreciate it.

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Yes that is the best section to get in about 20 rows up if you can- would not go any lower. Will be on the "sun side" of the stadium but that is where are seats are at. Go early and try to park near East 24 area, go and walk around the Grand Plaza "Grand Plaza is located on the south side of the stadium, adjacent to the Team Store, featuring entertainment, games and interactive activities prior to the start of Miami Dolphins and Miami Hurricane games."

If you get there early enough you will be able to walk around the whole outside of the stadium and inside actually. I sometimes have an extra parking pass so if you need one PM me the week of the game if you don't have one and I will see if I have the extra for that game. There is also a cash lot accross from the stadium if you do not get a parking pass as you get off the Turnpike if you go that way.
I have Row 2 seats for that game - is it really that bad down there? I was pretty pumped to be so close! Last year was in Row 30
I have Row 2 seats for that game - is it really that bad down there? I was pretty pumped to be so close! Last year was in Row 30

The problem is, well in my opinion, that all the players will be standing up along the sidelines and may block your view a little. You will still have fun, don't worry about it.
Mid row seats are always best in lower level. And, you want to try to be on home side to avoid the 1 pm sun. Before the game, enjoy the atmosphere around the stadium....much better than most stadiums I've been to.
Best seats in house are 1st down in upper deck. Birds eye view of everything with nothing I front of you
Yes that is the best section to get in about 20 rows up if you can- would not go any lower. Will be on the "sun side" of the stadium but that is where are seats are at. Go early and try to park near East 24 area, go and walk around the Grand Plaza "Grand Plaza is located on the south side of the stadium, adjacent to the Team Store, featuring entertainment, games and interactive activities prior to the start of Miami Dolphins and Miami Hurricane games."

If you get there early enough you will be able to walk around the whole outside of the stadium and inside actually. I sometimes have an extra parking pass so if you need one PM me the week of the game if you don't have one and I will see if I have the extra for that game. There is also a cash lot accross from the stadium if you do not get a parking pass as you get off the Turnpike if you go that way.

Awesome information sir, I appreciate your time and help. Thanks guys for all the info. Where would I be without Finheaven, probably wearing white and green while scrubbing Sanchez tattoos off my calf.

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I've sat second row, 48 yard line. Most amazing seats I've ever been at. To get a better angle of the play 20 sounds about right.
Get Club seats.. Amazing vantage

i'm looking for the san diego game, club seats would be nice but at those prices out of my bracket. I'm looking around 112-116 @ mid way up. i'm leery about buying at the stadium as I'm coming from maryland, but i also don't want to spend a fortune.
Uh, the best seats in any stadium is club level.

Spend your money wisely.

Oh definitely.

---------- Post added at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------

i'm looking for the san diego game, club seats would be nice but at those prices out of my bracket. I'm looking around 112-116 @ mid way up. i'm leery about buying at the stadium as I'm coming from maryland, but i also don't want to spend a fortune.

How much are you willing to spend on club level seats?
Outside of club level (never sat there), I had season tickets up in the upper level, third row on about the 30 yard line. Seats up there are great and you can see the whole field from there.
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