Betting for the upset. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Betting for the upset.


Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Odds are 13/2 On the fins loosing.. with Skybet.

I put $40 down we beat them.... $300 return if we win :up:

I hate them stinkin pats... everywin against them is like a superbowl win to me.... winning a few dollars makes it more worth while;)
As much as I love my dolphins we have won 1 game in like our past 20, if I threw down 40 bucks for all those games I'd be broke.

I am going to save my money :)

GL to you all
I put $250 on the Fins to win by 43. I will move into my new $150,000 home on Monday.


you have my word I'll send you a bonus $150,000 on top of your winnings if that happens...thats how confident I am that there isn't a hope in hell we would win by that much (if it's even possible we win at all) but we can dream right? :lol:
I put $100 on Cincinnati to win against the Giants. It is going to be a good game. $800 in my pocket if I'm right. A good risk.
I put $100 on Cincinnati to win against the Giants. It is going to be a good game. $800 in my pocket if I'm right. A good risk.

add that they are 0-2 and desperate for a win, strange things happen in the nfl, and these two wins (us over the patsies) could very possibly go down.
Odds are 13/2 On the fins loosing.. with Skybet.

I put $40 down we beat them.... $300 return if we win :up:

I hate them stinkin pats... everywin against them is like a superbowl win to me.... winning a few dollars makes it more worth while;)

You wouldn't happen to be Smiffee?
I put $100 on Cincinnati to win against the Giants. It is going to be a good game. $800 in my pocket if I'm right. A good risk.

yeah i think the phins have a much better chance of beating the pats...cinci's
defense is just pathetic and their offense isnt doing much better
$300 in my pocket. Thank you Dolphins. Made the Win taste even better ;-)
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