BIG NEWS! Boston may be back in November! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

BIG NEWS! Boston may be back in November!


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"He heals fast and he rehabs fast. Plus, this is an injury he's familiar with, so he knows how to rehab it," said David's father, Byron Boston. "He has five weeks before the first game, so he'll have a pretty good idea about how things are going before they kick off the first week."

If things go well, Byron Jr. said his brother's targeted return date would be mid-November, somewhere around Week 10 when the Dolphins are in their bye week. That would be roughly three months after the surgery.

Should that be the case, it's conceivable Miami would have Boston back for the final seven games of the season.
I have mixed feelings about this. I would feel wonderful if he could actually do this and contribute and remain healthy, but I would also be very concerned he would rush back and suffer the same or another injury to only lose him for some or all of the 2005 season.

We'll have to wait and see whether Miami puts him on the IR for the season or not. If they don't, then it pretty obvious they are expecting him back sometime soon. I'm not going to get my hopes up though just in case. Besides I wouldn't want to rush him back and risk doing it again and possibly ending his career.

I assume this will all depend on what our record is at that time of the year too. Wait and see. If this is true I'm really glad to hear that he is that dedicated. I'd guess not many players would have that much desire to want to come back that soon, sounds like he really does have something to prove.
i feel the same way ohall. If we arent contending i say just sit this one out
i dont think we should play him this year.i wouldnt hin to come back to soon and hurt himself once more.
That's great news if can come back & we're still in the race. If not then there's no reason to play him & risk further injury. Much like what Atlanta & the Jets said they were going to do with Vick & Pennington, respectively.
Anything less than 100%, he needs to sit out the year. DBo is our future(hopefully). I wouldn't want to put him at risk.
keep in mind that when people make "projected" returns its ALWAYS later than they think, those projections are like the earliest and most optimistic possible. if he does comeback, i wouldnt expect him before week12
If anyone could do it, IMO it would be him. He is really into nutrition and physical fitness in such a way that most people cannot even begin to relate to. Probably no player has a better grasp and understanding of anatomy and things to do with the human body than he does. It has been reported that is very well schooled in all related topics. A real knowledge junkie in these fields. A body that is so fit and fueled by optimum nutrition to such a precise degree has got to heal faster than even the typical athlete his age, IMO. Also, remember they said his tendon was only partially torn, which should mean it can heal more quickly than one that was completely torn in two.
MrClean said:
If anyone could do it, IMO it would be him. He is really into nutrition and physical fitness in such a way that most people cannot even begin to relate to. Probably no player has a better grasp and understanding of anatomy and things to do with the human body than he does. It has been reported that is very well schooled in all related topics. A real knowledge junkie in these fields. A body that is so fit and fueled by optimum nutrition to such a precise degree has got to heal faster than even the typical athlete his age, IMO. Also, remember they said his tendon was only partially torn, which should mean it can heal more quickly than one that was completely torn in two.

Hopefully he won't come back weighing 250 LBS. I mean I hope this injury lets him know he needs to weigh no more than 220 LBS. His knees simply cannot support his normally huge upper body!

Me too, Oliver, but since he was down to 225 when he got hurt, I think he'd already came to that conclusion.
He has shown us that he wants to be a team player, with following their wishes that he get under 230, getting down to 225, working out with the team, etc. Then rather than just kicking back and taking the year off like many would do, he is getting a big chunk of change still from SD this year, he plans to rehab very intensely and get back by mid Nov. He did it in 3 months before, this was a partial tear, so I would never bet against him doing it again.
Gotta love his attitude though.

Week 10 may be too soon, but Week 14 would give him another month to rehab.

The guy is amonster in the gym, so he'll work the leg up to full strength.
MrClean said:
Me too, Oliver, but since he was down to 225 when he got hurt, I think he'd already came to that conclusion.
He has shown us that he wants to be a team player, with following their wishes that he get under 230, getting down to 225, working out with the team, etc. Then rather than just kicking back and taking the year off like many would do, he is getting a big chunk of change still from SD this year, he plans to rehab very intensely and get back by mid Nov. He did it in 3 months before, this was a partial tear, so I would never bet against him doing it again.

How'd he do last time when he came back from his other knee injury? I mean how long did it take him to regain his speed after that injury?

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