Practice Squad
I think our threads would be a lot more well thought out if we payed no attention to Bills Fans. Simply do not respond. The Bills fans that post here are obviously mentally challenged, they don't even have enough sense to go on their own site! I just can't stand going to a thread, it's invaded by a sorry *ss Bills fan.....something that could make for some good conversation turns into a pissing match. Don't take this the wrong way, I love a good arguement between myself and someone who roots for our team but I'm tired of listening to un thought out Billcrap. (especially this "wagon circler" nerd) I want to be compared to the world champs, not their ho-hum team. All we have to do is simply not respond to them and maybe they will go away! I just want to talk Dolphin football, I could care less about the appears to me that the are the easiest opponents on our scedule, that's it.