Wilson has been crying about the "economic viability" of keeping the bills in buffalo. Basically he prolly won't qualify for much revenue sharing, and new owners will not be eligable for sharing for the first year or so. This makes it harder for him to sell the team. Wilson has made it public that upon his death he wanted the team sold as none of his daughters were interested in taking it over. With the new CBA making it harder to sell his team at his wanted price he feels he must pass it on with-in his family.
But really whats happening is he's making noise so that the state will help him with a new stadium. Most bills fans want this anyway as the current stadium is not in the best of locations for their fan base.
He could be "declaring the bills candidacy" for the vacant LA spot. If the bills go to LA it will bring a nasy road game for us every year, but also at least three nasty road games for them every year.
Either way its still his fault. If he wants to make money he should sell the naming rights to his stadium. Currently the going rate is 10 million a year. And why is his stadium in a hick town? And Why hasn't his club been competative since kelly retired?