Bills vs. Dolphins | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bills vs. Dolphins


Section 118 Row 1 Seat 5
Mar 19, 2002
Reaction score
Not official but this is what Shout Magazine is reporting.

Shout! reports the Bills will travel to Miami on Oct. 20 and the Dolphins come to Buffalo on December 1.
Originally posted by Billsfan
Not official but this is what Shout Magazine is reporting.

Shout! reports the Bills will travel to Miami on Oct. 20 and the Dolphins come to Buffalo on December 1.

Ive only been watching the NFL for 30 + years. Its been my observation that that Bills lose ANY time of year.

October 20, My b-day. We'll dominate. :)
that 33-6 thrashing we dropped on jills in dec of 2000 was hilarious...taylor and trace were in johnsons face all game long, jay carved up the d...had to be one miami's most satisfying wins ever, buffalo in december
Johnson played some of his worst games against the Dolphins. Always pissed me off. I'm just glad he's gone.
Ralph wants Bledsoe.....It looks like we might get him for a 2nd round pick. We signed Teague and Price on the OL and will probably take McKinnie at 4, Which would give us a very good O-Line

LT - McKinnie
LG - R. Brown
C - Teague
RG - Ostroski
LT - Jennings or Price.

This would help to protect Drew.

It looks like it could happen.
I think it will. Drew will be a Buffalo Bill.
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