Blow for Barkley ? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Blow for Barkley ?


Let's go Dolphins
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Feb 29, 2008
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What if on Saturday Barkley CLEARLY out plays Luck ?
Say Andrew throws several picks and looks lost out there.
Barkley on the other hand lights it up and beats Sanford badly.
And what would we do with all those T shirts everyone got ?
Just hypothetical but it's college football and anything can happen.
Blow for Barkley ? :err:
Matt Barkley is going to be good, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him go back to USC next year. He'll have a lot of returning weapons coming back next year and he's not passing Luck this year. He's also unlikely to pass Landry Jones too, so I could see him go back next year and become the top QB for the upcoming draft class.

Anyways, Barkley won't pass up Luck based on one game. Unless Luck gets hurt or totally falls flat on his face the rest of the way, he'll be the top QB picked.
Very unlikely that Luck looks lost. Ever.
I don't like Barkley have a bad feeling about him. I like USC but I don't like the QBs from USC., back in 2006 when everybody was talking about Matt Leinart and how great he was going to be in the NFL I was not buying it either.
I don't think it would change much, but it would honestly shock me if Barkley outplays Luck.
keep on mind that they don't play each other....they play the other team's defence....anyway, lets say Barkley plays better in this game, cool. We might not get a chance to draft Luck anyway so I'm glad there're 3 QB's that might be worth taking high in april....if we don't draft a QB in the first round in this draft then we nevee will.

Ozzy rules!!
Very unlikely that Luck looks lost. Ever.

You may be correct but I say let the season play out before we annoint him our savior.
We have some other options depending on where we draft and who the new coach is.
It's not like we are one player away from being good. Being this high in the draft order means a high pick in every round so our 2nd will be low 30's and probably a 1st round talent.
Say luck goes 1st to someone else. Do we throw in everything to trade up ? Or draft the 2nd best QB.
Or trade down for extra pick's and have a mid 1st and 2 seconds and an early 3rd.
You can still get a very good QB plus 3 impact players.
This senerio may look attractive to say Cowher who can rebuild the team in his image in just one draft and free agent period.
Being a Miami Dolphin fan we have been dissappoint by QB's over and over and want a Marino type at all cost. I understand and feel the same.
But , a new coach may not have the same priority as we all do.
Just something to consider.
1 game will not change my opinion. Andrew Luck can go out their and throw 5 ints tomorrow ( not likely) and matt barkley can throw for 350 and 5 tds, and i am still hands down taking andrew luck.
Actually if you really want Luck that bad maybe a few poor games and he slides down to us at 3.
If the Colts know Mannings coming back and the Rams are sold on their QB Bradford maybe Luck screwing up would be perfect for us.

That would also take away all the pressure to be our immediate savor and the kid can just do his thing without all the unrealist expectations.
I want Luck as our future QB, like everyone else, but if we cant have him I want Jones or RG3, im still undecided about which one I would prefer. What I am sure of is that I dont want Barkley, IMO he will be a big bust in this league. #Suck4Luck
Actually for you really want Luck that bad maybe a few poor games and he slides down to us at 3.
If the Colts know Mannings coming back and the Rams are sold on their QB Bradford maybe Luck screwing up would be perfect for us.

That would also take away all the pressure to be our immediate savor and the kid can just do his thing without all the unrealist expectations.
zero chance he slides to 3, let alone 2. he will be taken 1, the question is, who will be taking him?
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